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Posts posted by Corona

  1. That must be the Red Light, Green Light video that was posted on Cute Overload. That's a very cute video. I have a cat that acts like that. Very suspicious and curious. I love cats. My favorite animals. ;) Spayed female cats are the best.

  2. SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition has never given me anything. I've never seen it pick up anything Spybot or Adaware hasn't picked up. And I don't even use them anymore. Okay, once in a blue moon I'll say, "Forgive me Father, I have sinned. It's been 8 weeks since my last adware scan." The only reason I run them once every 2 months is for that "but what if" or "just to be on the safest side of the Universe" knee-jerk reaction from old habits.


    You know what works good for me? Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM, free version). I run that about once every 2 weeks.

  3. I haven't had a printer since 1998. I can't stand them. If I need something printed (which is very rare) I go use my sisters'. I'm not dealing with that mess. The multiple icons that pop up in the systray and boot pop-up windows, the 15 extra processes running in Task Manager and all that crap. :angry: Life's too short.

  4. Alright, here's maybe a better option.....Last Run.


    "Looking at it" counts as Accessing it. That's not what I'm interested in. Nobody is. Why is that even an option if the moment you look at any items' Properties it counts as the last time you accessed it? Not a good feature. Pointless.

  5. The best thing to do is go on the internet and concentrate on what you're reading. If you concentrate on FFs' ram usage you're not really interested in going on the internet for the sake of going on the internet.

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