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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I changed my NTFS to FAT32 on my XP system many many years ago. There are some old apps that will not work with NTFS that are far superior to anything written since those bygone days.

  2. I'm posting here instead of opening up a new topic. I notice a lot people here are concerned with MD5's and SHA256's (checksums). Wouldn't it make sense to build checksum accuracy within app installations? It sounds like it would be a tiny addition. What would the burden be? 3 seconds? I can live with that. :rolleyes:

  3. I know you'll hate this because each pic is not shrunk to thumbnail size.

    But tough. 400 pixel res is okay in my book. Besides, you'll cry.




    Corona, all your MANY, MANY pictures have been edited out. With the amount that you posted I seriously doubt that anyone on dial-up would have been able to load the forum let alone view any of them in the lounge.


    Have some consideration for others when you pull a stunt like this. ~ moderator

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