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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I'm not sure how much of a deal it is, probably no biggie because ME and XP are now a new installs so anything added is already mapped accordingly. But when I installed ME, my CD & DVD drives were correctly mapped as M and N. My installed XP recognizes them as D and E. Do you think this will cause any major hassles? It's a lone pooter, not networked to a server or other pooters.

  2. Okay, after dodging several catch-22s I managed to get XP and ME partitioned and accessible. But I had to install XP as Fat32. No biggie, that's how I've had it for the past 4 years.

  3. Partition Magic 8 can reformat both, but Boot Magic (within PM8) can only exist on a FAT32 partition, not NTFS. (Great move, Power Quest. :rolleyes: What a bunch of maroons.)

  4. All it wants you to do is unpack into a temporary folder like say "C:\Temp" then you open that folder and run: DXSETUP.exe


    How friggin evil. That is evil. It's like......so friggin evil. Thanks, I did it according to your instructions. But still, it's evil. Damn!

  5. Yeah, I never did (or had to do) that big F command before. My reformats just involved reinstalling the OS.

    This HP machine came with a Windows ME install disk. I'm hoping I don't have to install ME before I install. But then again, I do want a small partition of ME on the drive, as well as a large partition of XP. I have Partition Magic 8. And if you can only go from Fat to NT.....that might mean I need to install ME first, shrink it, and the remaining partition change to NTFS.

  6. Ugh, my least favorite 3 syllable word. I have XP Home SP3 and I'm trying to reformat my C drive using my original XP Full CD rom but it warns me that I have a newer version of XP on the drive and all my stuff will be lost. The thing is, the Continue button remains grayed out. I can't continue. Do I have to do some Run command?


    One other thing, I forget which applies to partitioning......I can change files from NTFS to Fat32 but not the reverse....or is it Fat32 to NTFS but not the reverse?

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