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Posts posted by Corona

  1. One thing I do know, 64 bit systems are most compatible with 'puters that have more than 4GB of ram. But I'm jumping the gun. Please forgive me.

    Let me set you straight. As you may know, most 'puters that incorporate 64 bit systems are major corporations, NASA, government, education (MIT), and serious server puters. The remaining private sector that uses 64 bit systems are pimply nerds from the 9th circle of Hell who have Daddys' money permission to support their god awful online MMOs & FPSs.

  2. To tell you the truth, I find it easier memorizing all the regs it finds and just looking for newer ones than having to go through the hassle of writing down each registry and typing them into exclusion since Copy and Paste is not even an option.

  3. I've used Download Statusbar for years, it always sent downloaded items to my My Documents folder. I reformatted, long story short, same configurations, but now Download Statusbar saves in a Documents And Settings subfolder. And I notice in its options it doesn't give me the option to save items to a folder of my choice. Is this the norm for this add-on now? <_<

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