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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I recently installed ME on a small partition on my mostly XP drive.

    Even though there's tons of old updates for it via Windows updates, I left it as is. And I didn't uninstall any tertiary/3rd party apps except for McAfee.

    (I don't go online with it because, well, you know, security.) However, I gotta say, I've had zero problems with it so far. No freezes or anything.

    It figures. When I had ME as my only OS in 1999/2000 it was driving me absolutely bonkers.

  2. When people brag about having several terabytes in their pooter I wonder what part of Earths' climate and geology they wish to control. The amount of info you could hold on such a pooter would be incredibly immense. I know, it's DVD rippers who want parkinglot sized drives, not to enjoy DVDs but simply because they're addicted to the menial task of recording every video in existance. It's a Zen thing.

  3. I took a quick glance at that list and thought "everything". Of course I'm being facetious and upon closer look there are a few legitimate apps in there as noted by the other replies. What is in that list is easily in 95% of all PCs right now. Pretty disturbing thought.

  4. I'm gonna assume SSD means Solid State Drive. But it'd be better if it meant Super Secret Dipthongs. But that's just me.


    And from what I've heard the tea parties were successful, non-violent and fun to be at (the ones where it didn't rain anyway). But I like coffee. :)

  5. Over the years AVG 5, 6 & 7 (free versions) were my AV of choice. Now I use Avast (free version) & it's been excellent for the past year or so. Just like old AVG would watch AdAwares' scans, Avast watches MBAMs' scans. I used to use AdAware and Spybot Search & Destroy. I find MBAM superior. It's probably a good thing to install and run AA & Spybot once, just to be sure. But I felt safe with getting rid of them afterwards and just using MBAM. It's soooo much faster.


    And if you want to prove to the world that you really talk like a pirate, ye need Avast, matey. :)

  6. Why Piriform? Isn't that some kind of medical disease or syndrome or summit?

    I think a good name would be Colorform. And posts can be sticky thin pieces of colored plastic on a shiny black background.

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