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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Well, you could always buy WindowBlinds. I used them for a few years till I realized that a theme called Dew (a simple gray theme) was the best for me. I got tired of flashy Vista-ish stuff fast. But in order for me to re-activate WB after my recent reformat is just too much email contact work for me. I got my $20 worth out of it, I'm done. I'll stick with Royale Noir and Classic Win98 as my choices.


    Of course my WinME partition will still always be in Classic Win98 mode.

  2. Nice one, Abu. ;) That reminds me of those 'false fractals' I used to make many years ago using a trick I learned to do in Bryce 4. Nowadays I forget how it was done, might be cached in Google somewhere. But under the right circumstances I could create images very similar to your desktop. Of course it would take several hours if not days to render a 1680x1050 dtop like that on my old beast. Heh.

  3. Sounds like it'd be easier just to learn an instrument, form a band, record some music and copy that, than to go through the whole rigmarole of learning peer to peer.

  4. When did FF go 3.0?.....in July 2008. Welcome to the 21st century Mark Twain.

    By the way you might wanna check out your Windows Update feature. There's been a few changes this past millennia.

  5. I find it weird that the last few versions of NoScript have been available on Calendar Of Updates but have not been "activated" within my FF auto-update feature. Even if I search for updates within FF it shows none. I have FF 3.0.10. Maybe the NoScript updates are for FF 3.5beta only?

  6. Not pi, pie. But yes, it could be made from pi.

    I used to rip the gourds out of XP derivatives with CC and that was fun. But now with my fresher re-format I let sleeping dogs lie. I just choose to eliminate recently installed game regs. And things work a lot smoother that way so it must be working.

  7. Gee I was in a pissy mood when I wrote that.

    After I disabled Tab Mix Plus I noticed that FF initiated in 10 - 13 seconds instead of the usual 30+ seconds. I still have All In One Sidebar enabled because it helps me too much. (When it first came out I believe it was called All-In-Wonder Sidebar but surreptitiously changed its name to not sound so corny.)


    It's unfortunate about Tab Mix Plus, it was the only way I could get more than one tab opening at a time without first clicking on the New Tab button. I find it hard to believe that nobody has cloned Tab Mix since it first came out. Just look at all the other duplicates on the add-on pages. Is Tab Mix Plus patented or something?

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