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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I think around 1998 I found out how to display pics and create links. It was embarrassing because it seemed as if everybody online knew how to code things except me. And I thought "No way am I learning http and stuff". Even grabbing screenshots and opening them up in PS4 was a challenge to me. I kept pestering everyone I could post to in order to find out how things were done.

    I even learned how to use WSFTP and upload smilies and images for a message boards' appearance. If asked to do that now I'd have no clue, I forgot it all. But I remember it was like actually being physically inside a Windows' registry. Daunting, to say the least.

  2. So, anyone have any conflicts with the latest Tueday updates from MS? I'm asking because I just read that scary thread Abu started last night. I know killbots are within that update. And I got that yellow triangle just dangling up there in my systray, waiting.

  3. Many many many duplicate files are stored within the Documents And Settings folder on the C drive. Even/especially programs you installed and uninstalled long ago. However, unless your name is Adrian Monk and you have OCD you need not worry about them or feel the need to delete them. They are miniscule. Accumulative files that you need to rid would be internet cache.

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