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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Well it *is* a place for kids so I would expect it to be loud and chaotic all the time (which actually makes me question why I want to go in the first place since I'm not fond of the little ones). It's gonna be a good day though; like you said, I'll be with friends. And if I have to toss some kids out because they get too damn loud, I will. :lol:


    You can like bully them for their game tickets, the same way as for lunch money. And you can challenge them to a multiple player arcade game and beat them. I mean really horribly embarrassingly. :lol:

    Really though, with your friends along it'll be a trip with all the rugrats running around everywhere. And the food isn't that bad. It's okay. I'd eat it. But what you're really gonna be jonesing for is a bar. :mellow:

  2. Wow that's quite the...um...buzzkill. Thanks. :huh:


    I'm sure every Chuck E Cheese is a bit different. It's just that they've gotten a bad rap on TV & stuff as a noisy romper room for kids. I'm sure you'll have a blast there. You'll be with friends. :D

  3. K-Man asked me to thank you for him, even though he said he already did earlier. I don't know what name he may have gone under but he posted in the Hijack This forum with a malware/virus/rogue app problem and you guys got him all back to normal again. Earlier when he told me he had WinBluesomethingsomething as his AV my spider-senses started tingling. So I told him to come here. :)


    Oh now I see. He was "Help!". :lol:

  4. Start->Run->Notepad.exe "%windir%\Debug\mrt.log

    In all its restart instances, no bugs found.


    So I'm clean according to that. Still the question remains, what help is it compared to MBAM, etc.? Minimal at best? And yet they still force us to install a new version every Update Tuesday. I give them credit for trying, but results are what really matters. What do they cover that MBAM wouldn't?

  5. I mean Remover Tool. That's what I think it's called. Has that thing ever removed a malicious program for anybody yet? They always tag it onto the Tuesday Update downloads, and you'll notice it takes almost 10 times longer to install than anything else the update has. What does it actually do? I have Avast and MBAM. Those programs have actually caught and removed junk.

  6. I can't imagine what it would've felt like either for those guys because it takes a lack of certain mental facilities to even do that. Many mistake it for bravery. They weren't up there because they're brave. They were up there to do a job & get paid. They're equilibriums must've been like trapeze artists. Respect for the law of gravity never entered their minds except maybe as a concept, like a drawing on a piece of paper.

  7. Thanks for the compliments, but stuff like that makes me lose blood pressure, or replace all my blood to where I never expected. I was hoping LuLu or Hazelnut would see the pics as I love hearing the fairer sex express faintness of heart (etc.) :lol:

  8. Mainly speaking, it's okay for a few pieces of garbage registry to exist. Like "shared folders" with nothing in them that just absolutely refuse to delete for no reason whatsoever, there are registry components that serve the same exact purpose and behave the same way. And there's no way to know who they are even if you run CCleaner, the safest registry cleaner around. You're still taking a chance.


    Best bet is to become familiar with what CCleaner finds first. Often. Clean per wisdom.

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