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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I uninstalled Tab Mix Plus because it was obviously eating my ram. Although I enjoy the ever loving hell out of Tab Mix Plus, I can't enjoy its ram eating function. I may have to do the same with All In Wonder Sidebar. (Another extremely useful FF add-on.) Why the friggin hell don't developers introduce alternatives to these important apps? Are they goddam retarded or something? Uh duh, uh duh? Am I missing something here? f***ing retards.

  2. I don't think you can 'upgrade' from XP to 7. You can upgrade from XP to Vista. And you can upgrade from Vista to 7. Kinda defeats the purpose since the words "clean install" can never be scraped from your brains, can they? And who is gonna buy Vista just so they can buy & install 7? Mr. Moneybags from Monopoly?


    Another thing, the only way XP can "run" within 7 is through Virtual PC, etc. Why even bother? Can't you just partition for XP? :rolleyes:

  3. If you're running Vista as your main OS, keep in mind that 4GB of ram and a decent sized hd such as the one you have is fairly optimal for running Vista. If you were to partition your drive for another OS or whatever, you'd be shrinking the page file memory your Vista was comfortable running with.


    Should it be better to make a partition via Windows setup?

    I have no idea what that is about. Sorry, but someone here will no doubt chime in.


    Oh, I think I do know what you mean. Then I am definitely not the one to ask about that. (That's why I bought Partition Magic in the first place.)

    I remember PM would automatically create a 1024MB (1 gig) cylinder between partitions (as a spatial boot/buffer between partitions, I assume). I don't know if that is applicable or how that's done via a manual Windows partition job.

  4. If CCleaner can find the registry items, it can remove them. It's best to save the files before you delete them, just in case, you know. If CCleaner can not find hidden registry items, good chances are that they're so small and insignificant that they'll make no difference whatsoever with your systems' performance. Then again, I imagine CCleaner would also be careful not to show registry items that possibly could be "shared" with another app.


    CCleaner is a good mid-range reg cleaner. Nowadays the only things I reg clean are games that I've played or demos, etc. The names are easy to recognize. Everything else I just leave alone.

  5. I'm no pro at this sort of thing but I bought Partition Magic 8 and have used it years ago, and being brave recently I've reinstalled it and partitioned my hard drive so I have XP and WinME on the same drive single hard drive. My Partition Magic CD came with Boot Magic, which comes up when I boot and on that screen I choose whether I want XP or ME to load.


    As far as I can tell, you can create a new partition on your existing drive without disrupting existing files. You can make the new partition(s) whatever size you want, provided you give them enough buffer space between partitions. (That's all figured within the program itself.)

  6. When you download a professional trial version of Photoshop CS1, 2, 3, or 4?, it comes with buried anally retentive specific instructions on how to correctly uninstall it.....which is the reason why I wish Adobe to die a horrible horrible "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" type of death. Adobe is not the same company it once was in the 90s. M'kay?


    To get rid of Adobe remnants you need Erunt and RevoUninstaller.


    Erunt is like System Restore but much more......better, for lack of words.

    Revo Uninstaller is the ultimate ripper outter of yer system guts. (Thus the need for Erunt as back-up.) Revo gives you 4 options of uninstall. Normal uninstall, deeper, even deeper, and hells bells we're ripping your registry to shredded underwear! (I like that option but yes, do apply severe caution.)


    I had to use the most devastating option of Revo to get rid of all those Photoshop MSIs that forever kept popping up in CCleaner no matter what.

  7. I've noticed most PCs' start-up tend to be a lot longer than mine because of peripherals like printers, scanners, faxes, etc. All those drivers and services need the extra time to fight each other for priority. Notice the icons in your system tray don't come up in the exact same order every time?

    And there's apps like Adobe Photo Management(etc.), Yahoo Online Security, AOL, and all the other piddly crappe I wouldn't touch with a ten foot clown pole that are fighting to get onto the system tray as well.

  8. So do you have the different drivers for both systems? ;)


    I installed 93.71 forceware for XP (latest one that still works), and whatever older driver that came with ME's installation disc for ME.

  9. So which system is the nVidea GeForce2 MX/MX 400 on WinXP or WinME? Thats the same graphics card as mine. Or do you have a dual boot system? ;)


    I have both XP and ME on the same drive, in their own partitions. They both use the GeForce2 card. I don't run both XP and ME at the same time of course. Boot Magic pulls up a choice box when I boot, and from there I choose either XP or ME to run.

  10. @Corona : PB = Petabyte = 1024 TB.


    Ah know. Peanut Butter tastes much better than Teanut Butter.


    Oh, and I'm using XP Home SP3, and WinME (not upgraded) on an HP 98/95 Pavillion, 512 ram, Pentium4 1700, nVidea GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (heh).

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