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Posts posted by Corona

  1. When I saw that spam from Victoria in my PM I notified Hazelnut. She hasn't replied yet because she prolly figured I'd see these posts about all this on the forum. She was right.

    I bet Victoria is a fat brick layer from Patterson New Jersey.

  2. Wow, it's weird to get someone who uses the Yahoo toolbar here. If I ever accidentally install it via CCleaner I'll know what to look for. Neat to know that CCleaner is in the toolbar. Makes sense. :)

  3. I found FEBE to be fubar. Too complicated. I use MozBackup. Much quicker.


    I got rid of FF3.5 and went back to FF3.0.11 yesterday. 3.5 started leaking memory like a sieve, I couldn't even reload pages. I turned FF off, opened up Process Explorer an it still showed FF eternally shutting down using 95+% ram. That's like a massive hemorrhaging no-no in my book. Not only did 3.5 cross that line...it threw up on it!

  4. MS Paint. :lol: Oh man, do they have that on Vista or Win7? Even on XP it's a total slap in the face. (And they want to drop DOS.) So why does Paint get the go-ahead? Unbelievable.

    From what I've seen in Paint.NET it looks very similar to Gimp. Pretty good free programs. If I were 20 years younger I'd be exploring both with more vigor and vinegar and piss. But I'm comfortable with what I've got. ;)

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