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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I saw a message board around 2000 where everyone had 800x800-sized .bmp sigs. It was atrocious. Their typical posts were usually " :lol: " or "lol". Talk about a waste of real estate and bandwidth.

  2. Sorry, I make it a point not to give out my town on message boards. I'm on the CT shore.


    I listened to the birds on WMP for hours this morning. So now I try 3 different online classical music stations and they're all playing opera and I figure, what the hey, I'm listening to birds again now. I'd rather hear birds than opera. I'd rather hear jets take off than opera.

  3. I notice lately at some tech boards some newcomers arrive with a pretty simple problem(s). There's a first time for everything & everyone so I figure it's just that. But every once in a while they mention their computer specs, specs that would make NASA and MIT jealous. 64 bit Vista Ultimate, 20 terabyte hard drive, 17 gigs of ram, etc. And you know they're only using it for World Of War. And their problem is they want to know how to put pictures on MySpace.

    It's like a 15 year old kid stepping out of his Lamborghini and asks you if the dark color makes his car go slower. :rolleyes:

  4. I think I'm going back to the earlier version of Opera. This new version is wrong. Open a window and let out some of the wrong.?


    Every time I click on a bookmark or link I get a blank page...till I hit the Reload button.? <_< You got some splainin to do, Lucy.?

  5. A few years ago a co-worker brought in a very young Teacup Yorkie she bought in Missouri. Teacup is an overstatement. This pup was (I'm not exaggerating) the size of a Twinkie. You could hold the entire dog in one cupped hand. And even though it was very young she was feisty as all get-out when she was awake. And because of her size she could make sudden moves that would almost defy gravity. She was hysterical to watch and play with. After 15 minutes of intense play she would nap for an hour.

  6. I don't have it anymore. My BILs' sister has it. It weighs 300 pounds. Yes it uses steel needles. I trashed a few Beatles 45s that way. The turntable speed was fully adjustable but with no indication of what speed it was at. There were 2 needle arms...one brass one that used an old-timey megaphone cone, and another thinner cast iron one that was electric and used the built-in speakers. The radio was completely missing when I bought it. The knob to tune the radio was still in it, but again no mhz display of what frequency you were tuned into. It had thin side cabinets to hold 78s in.


    Ah, here it is around 1974.


    That's part of a Jethro Tull poster in the upper left.

  7. I do a lot of graphic stuff and have many pictures & clip-art on my computer. Viewing the thumbnails makes my work go much quicker.


    If that's the case, I wouldn't delete the thumbnail files. If you did, don't worry, they'll rebuild each time you access those pics again.

    Remember to back up your system with System Restore before deleting any unknown stuff.

  8. Congrats Kenny! New toys are fun. Hair-tearing frustrating fun!

    And about a month ago I was installing ME in a partition. Quite the time warp, no?



    Anyway, today I crank-started a very old toy. I never had a cabinet before so I grabbed it from my nieces' storage and put in my old stereo.

    Fits perfectly. I even still have my old Disc Cleaner equipment.




    That's Olias Of Sunhillow (old Yes fans would know).

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