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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Last sentence in GirlFlashs' entry...

    and just so you dont get scared or have night mares, I can assure you that I have tall curtains with a blue screen right by them in this very room, and I havent ever had any proble


    And that was the last anyone ever heard from her again. :lol:

  2. =( I'm alone in my dislike of next-gen video games


    Not totally alone. I can't stand RPG or FPS games. Kinda fun to watch a friend play them for about 10 minutes. That is it.

  3. I love cats. I'm caring for 2 of them for a relative. I find that spayed female cats make the best companions. I tamed a ferocious female feral cat a few years ago while she was caring for a new litter just by talking to her and moving relatively slowly around her. It took about 2 or 3 months of doing this on & off, then one morning she came up & rubbed against my leg. My neighbor couldn't believe it. Before, nobody could come within 15 feet of her. Now she's very friendly to the neighbors and all.

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