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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I was playing a beta of an upcoming hidden object game and I ran across this screen. Look at the old 50s painting in the bottom right. It may not look familiar to you but it sure does to me. That's part of an Art Frahm painting. Years ago I read an hysterical online article about his work. (Look, there's the celery!)






    Here's the online article...


    Celery + Gravity = Art

  2. 3Es.jpg

    The 3 eaglets in June near the local fish hatchery.



    One of them today pining for the fjords (and the good old days of family & hearth).



    Same one today braving a local thunderstorm.


    I saw a video of one eaglet being weighed on a scale by 2 workers. I couldn't believe how tame it seemed. (It wasn't drugged.) Eaglets are very susceptible to simple communication by humans. Then again, so are a lot of young mammals.

    And birds. They're not mammals, are they? They seem to be.

  3. I'm a noob to this subject but I assume if you rely on WiFi or Blue Tooth for connectivity you're giving up some sort of security. I'm sure there's apps to help but I'd bet they're not as good as brick and mortar.

  4. Well, I think Hazelnut would know more about this. I think if you're running XP 64 it might not be so much of a problem, but XP 32 might feel too burdened with it. Or so I've heard.


    Look, I'm not wealthy, but I did buy a $600 Win 7 PC because of this and other reasons. I got it at a Best Buy with a "pay as cash" credit program. $50 a month. I can swing that. 18 months to pay it off. No interest. And here I am, after my old XP beast from 1990 died on me about 3 months ago. XP was great while it lasted. But it's gone now like the dodo.

  5. As far as Win7 64 bit, it's fully compatble with most 32 NTFS programs. I haven't tried every single tiny VS app with Win7 nor am I apt to try. But old Photoshop 5.5 works on it. Ripping CDs from the 80s & 90s works on it (with no rights hassles like XP or Vista).


    Most junk you throw at it will fall in the x86 folder. And they work.

  6. Cats, dogs, skunks, baby bald eagles, ferrets, fennec foxes, bats, frogs, chipmunks, flies, it doesn't matter. As long as they don't "infest" (take over) my domicile I love them all.

    I believe I'm actually one of the people who loves animals more than PETA. (And that's not much of a stretch.)

  7. I just use middle click to open everything in a new tab (works on bookmarks too :))


    I never knew that. (I always open links in new tabs.) Now I gotta retrain myself to click the scroll button. I never clicked it before.


    Makes me feel kinda naughty.

  8. Kinda OT but I tried Defraggler about 6 months ago when I first got my Win7 PC (mind you it's a terabyte drive so that means about 90% of my drive is empty). Windows defragmenter always showed that the drive was safely 3% defragmented. "If over 10% defragmented, run Windows Defragmenter".

    When I ran Defraggler it showed thousands of defragmented files, so I ran it. Afterwards I noticed strange things cropping up. Like folder icons being generic instead of pic-sensitive like before. That's all I can remember for now though other weird things started popping up as well.

    I deleted Defraggler and began running the generic Windows defragmenter again since then and one by one things started righting themselves out over a short period of time.


    Maybe Defraggler isn't the best thing for 64-bit systems. On XP I'm sure it's a killer app.

  9. Well they only recently started addressing it on a moz.dev.platform thread, so it's good to see relatively quick results :lol:


    Yeah, FF sure does leak memory. Nice to have 6 gigs though.

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