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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I'm still surprised that MSE is still running so silently in the background. I think once or twice it came up and alerted me to a threat, and like the caretaker in The Shining..."I corrected her". Simple and quiet. (Well except for all the blood on the walls and all.) I never had a free or paid AV like it before.

  2. Once you've installed a program (by running its installer), you can then delete the installer. Programs don't need the installer to still be in the system in order to work. Or you could keep it if you like. If you can easily re-download the installer from an online source (like at filehippo, etc.), it makes sense to just dump the used installer.


    If you bought an installer then you'll probably want to keep the installer in a safe area of your PC (My Documents, etc.) and eventually burn it onto a DVD (along with any other valuable documents & stuff you don't want to lose).

  3. Whatever icon you "right click" on, you can choose Properties and then choose "Open File Location". The highlighted icon in that new open window will be the actual file. (Watch out you don't accidentally highlight another file when that window opens. Scoot your cursor to the screens' edge before it opens.)

  4. Beautiful DT there Dennis. I like the app strip on the bottom too.


    It's been quite some time since I've been tempted by full eye-candy DT/icons/themes/etc.

    I remember with my old PowerMac8500 the best I could find free online was Kaleidoscope which was the 1997 Mac version of the later PC WindowBlinds app. Very minimal at best. Of course it was one of many reasons that would cause me to reformat on a bi-daily basis. Some themes worked well, some themes...not so much.

  5. I tried downloading the new Flash from filehippo and when installing (both IE & non-IE versions) it tells me I have a newer version already installed, & quits. Same thing happens if I download and install from the Adobe site. <_<

    How can I find what version I have installed?

  6. Make sure you're always facing its good side. ;) I had a girlfriend who had a skunk as a pet however it didn't have those scent glands or whatever it is that produces that foul smell.


    She had it "de-skunked". That's what most skunk pet owners do. (for obvious reasons). It's sorta the same as having a cat neutered or spayed.


    Skunks are almost as domestic as cats, dogs, ferrets, etc. They're very friendly to people. You don't want to walk up to them near their nest or when a bunch of their lil baby skunks are feeding & such. They ARE wild, but that's what I like about them. And their cute roly poly way of walking.

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