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Posts posted by Corona

  1. A moment.....Hazel, this is like I'm back to having XP in my old 1999 PC again with the very first nVidea card ever produced, with a 56k connection. I haven't re-experienced this in over 5 years. Thanks for the nostalgia, but I'll rescind. When I got my new Win7 PC a year ago with 6 gigs ram (now 8 gigs) I thought I'd never run into a site like this again. And then someone told me there are PCs out there with 16 gigs of ram. This site must be geared to them.


    Or maybe I just caught them at an internet brain-fart moment. Whatever, it loads super slow and moves super slow. I know you love Win98, at least its visuals. But your PC, you can't be enjoying this site, can you? :blink:

  2. Where I live we only got an inch of wet snow. It was gone a day later. Still had power. I also lucked out this summer when that hurricane passed through, still had power, but no internet.

  3. I look at Accuweather, Wunderground, Unisys, NOAA, Stormpulse & Intellicast to get a heads-up on the weather. Wristwatch-sized desktop weather gadgets don't compete. I need to actually see where the devastation is coming from, it's path and timing, and which US states' upper atmosphere is to blame for 'feeding' the jetstream so I can send impending Biblical destruction to it. I'm jiggy like that. ;)

  4. Incredible! I don't remember our planet ever having such extremes in weather.


    I like you Razz, so please don't take my rant negatively.


    It's called weather, and it's wild like Nature. It does what it wants to do. It doesn't care what people or planets think. It has a mind of its own, so to speak.


    As for extremes, there was this thing called the Ice Age that shoved down glaciers that reformed continent borders & such. Earth's a b*tch.


    Now Earth's our b*tch. :lol:

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