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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Irene.png


    (That info box in the lower left is talking about tomorrows' later predicted location & wind strength.)




    (Above is an hourly forecast for southeastern CT were I live. Notice the wind strengths each hour (in mph). Not too rough, but enough to make a mess of things.)


    Stormpulse A great site for more accurate tracking.


    Keep in mind this system though weakened after travel, will affect Iceland, Scotland and England.

  2. Kroozer, I got the ram stick today, put it in the 4th slot and it works great. 8 gigs (7.75 gigs available). :) Gives me a nice edge on fractal generators. Thanks for telling me about PNY.


    Here's the Speccy on that PNY DIMM...



    Memory slots

    Total memory slots 4

    Used memory slots 4

    Free memory slots 0


    Type DDR3

    Size 8192 MBytes

    Channels # Dual

    DRAM Frequency 666.7 MHz

    CAS# Latency (CL) 9 clocks

    RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) 9 clocks

    RAS# Precharge (tRP) 9 clocks

    Cycle Time (tRAS) 24 clocks

    Bank Cycle Time (tRC) 33 clocks

    Command Rate (CR) 2T

    Physical Memory

    Memory Usage 28 %

    Total Physical 7.75 GB

    Available Physical 1.53 GB

    Total Virtual 8.00 TB

    Available Virtual 3.86 GB


    Number Of SPD Modules 4

    Slot #1

    Type DDR3

    Size 2048 MBytes

    Manufacturer PNY Electronics

    Max Bandwidth PC3-10700 (667 MHz)

    Part Number 6AB0HHHJ-HS

    Week/year 25 / 11

    SPD Ext. EPP

    JEDEC #6

    Frequency 761.9 MHz

    CAS# Latency 10.0

    RAS# To CAS# 10

    RAS# Precharge 10

    tRAS 28

    tRC 38

    Voltage 1.500 V

    JEDEC #5

    Frequency 685.7 MHz

    CAS# Latency 9.0

    RAS# To CAS# 9

    RAS# Precharge 9

    tRAS 25

    tRC 34

    Voltage 1.500 V

    JEDEC #4

    Frequency 609.5 MHz

    CAS# Latency 8.0

    RAS# To CAS# 8

    RAS# Precharge 8

    tRAS 22

    tRC 30

    Voltage 1.500 V

    JEDEC #3

    Frequency 533.3 MHz

    CAS# Latency 7.0

    RAS# To CAS# 7

    RAS# Precharge 7

    tRAS 20

    tRC 27

    Voltage 1.500 V

    JEDEC #2

    Frequency 457.1 MHz

    CAS# Latency 6.0

    RAS# To CAS# 6

    RAS# Precharge 6

    tRAS 17

    tRC 23

    Voltage 1.500 V

    JEDEC #1

    Frequency 381.0 MHz

    CAS# Latency 5.0

    RAS# To CAS# 5

    RAS# Precharge 5

    tRAS 14

    tRC 19

    Voltage 1.500 V

    Slot #2

    Slot #3

    Slot #4




    Strange, the PNY DIMM has 6 JEDEC things. My other 3 sticks only have 4 each. Either way, it's working beautifully. It's so nice not to be using ancient RAMBUS anymore. ;)

  3. Cats, because they're more feral in nature. I like gaining the trust of feral animals. It's a self-learned disciplined challenge that I thoroughly enjoy.

    If I can gain the trust of a bird, squirrel, skunk, chipmunk or even a field mouse, it brings me more joy than the dotings of a loving dog, although I also love that too for it's own reasons. But gaining the trust of a wild animal is an altogether different experience. (No, I'm not gonna go hug a polar bear.)

  4. Get anything you can from filehippo.com . They're a Piriform approved site. I've used it for many years. Clean stuff. But the best bet is to see what the folks at Piriform say about all apps available there. For example, I don't install Java anymore. I thought it was as necessary as Flash. Not so much, apparently. Adobe bloat uses Java. And I hate bloatware. Nothing sinks faster in water than a bloat.

  5. ^^^ :P Would you believe I googled "sandboxie for dummies" and got this?


    Yes........yes I would. :lol: I know I know I know, I could've searched for it on Google or Bing, but I also know that you guys would direct me to to bestest fastest solution to this than Google or Bing ever could. You're just so much more on top of things than (cough/spit) Google, etc.


    And that's a definite compliment. :D I bookmarked that site and will check it out soon.

  6. Good point. I'll have a look inside tomorrow and see how many slots I have. (Should be 4, but still I'll investigate.)

    Here's what Speccy says...



    Memory slots

    Total memory slots 4

    Used memory slots 3

    Free memory slots 1


    Type DDR3

    Size 6144 MBytes

    Channels # Dual

    DRAM Frequency 666.7 MHz

    CAS# Latency (CL) 9 clocks

    RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) 9 clocks

    RAS# Precharge (tRP) 9 clocks

    Cycle Time (tRAS) 24 clocks

    Bank Cycle Time (tRC) 33 clocks

    Command Rate (CR) 1T

    Physical Memory

    Memory Usage 34 %

    Total Physical 5.75 GB

    Available Physical 3.77 GB

    Total Virtual 8.00 TB

    Available Virtual 8.00 TB


    Number Of SPD Modules 3

    Slot #1

    Slot #2

    Slot #3

  7. 16 gigs ram? Whoa. :blink: Speccy tells me I have DDR3 ram, 3 of 4 slots taken. $15? Sounds good to me. I'll check that out. Thanks! :)


    When you say, "Will it fit your system", do you mean does it have the correct bottom slot locations? (I have a recent HP Pavilion desktop.) Haven't they gone universal in that regard so "1 fits all"? :huh:

  8. I tried Sandboxie a few years ago and I couldn't make heads or tails between the dual 'Explorer trees'. I couldn't even tell which was which. I looked in the Tutorial/Help section and it was like trying to learn Flash or html or something. Obviously not very GUI intuitive. (Come back, MetaCreations!) Seemed more like an old 1995 FTP app. I'd really, truly like to take advantage of this app but not at the cost of tearing my hair out. Any advice on getting Sandboxie For Dummies material?

  9. I remember reading several times that newer desktops can hold up to 8 gigs of ram but unless you have "x" it will only recognize 6 gigs ram. And I believe "x" was "a 64 bit system", which I have. I currently have 6 gigs of ram but my system only recognizes 5.75 ram. Would it be worth it to get 2 more gigs of ram, being how cheap it is these days?

  10. If you uncheck then it is disabled from starting again until you tick the box.../...If all else fails then ERUNT restore will make everything good.


    So if I uncheck it, it's the same as disabling a Service and can easily be turned on again by ticking it again. Good to know.


    I love ERUNT but I haven't needed it since I went from XP to Win7 64. Last time I looked I wasn't sure ERUNT was even compatible with Win7 64, or even Vista. The orange 1998 webpage sort of enforces that assumption all by itself.

  11. I wish I could help you with that "Administrators" thing but I'm as clueless about it as most people are. Well, except for the gang that runs this place, like Hazelnut and all.

    I had an old beast of a desktop since 1999 that came with WinME, changed to XP, and used that till October last year when it finally died. 80 gigabytes. Now I got Win 7 desktop with a terabyte drive, tons of ram. Big difference.


    "It's a blessing.....but it's a curse." Heh.

  12. No insult meant toward you Shane. I have a twisted sense of humor, and for some reason the show "Monk" popped into my mind.

    By "more generous" I meant C drives (not the actual OS's) have been getting bigger & bigger over the years so the worry over gaining more drive space by eliminating non-essential files has dropped quite a lot, for me anyway.

  13. If I get an entry like this in Autoruns, is it safe to uncheck it?


    HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\rdpwd\StartupPrograms


    rdpclip - File not found: rdpclip


    And which categories should be deemed untouchable even if other "not found" entries appear in them? I always was fascinated by Autoruns but, like the hive, I dared not fiddle with it.

  14. This obsession to remove 2k of a file...where does it come from? I could understand if you were running Win95 or Win93. XP is a bit more generous. Vista way more so. Win 7 way way more so. So, is this like a Monk thing? Step on a crack break your mothers' back?

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