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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I'm trying to befriend a feral skunk. Yes, there's oh so stinky danger involved. Keep in mind I also gotta deal with wild coyotes in the distance. But I've confronted a coyote before and it thought I was the equivalent of a lude so it left the area unperturbed.

    Talking in a calm voice does a lot to smaller feral animals. (I wouldn't suggest that advice with a Kodiak bear, Komodo dragon or Honey badger. You should run like hell.)

  2. FF worked for me since v.2x onward and I only use 6 great add-ons...less than I started out with. I dabbled in Opera a few years back and they had great manipulation. But yeah, the whole "this site dinna work with Opera" thing kinda pushed me back to FF. I'm not a fanboy, I hate fanboy stuff, but FF works for me with how I surf.

  3. Most of my burned collection are of dead white men. But that's nothing new. (Matter of fact, none of it is.)

    But I also got Tull, Steely Dan, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Eno, Laraaji, Naajma, blah blah.

  4. After running ccleaner you can see that some IE files have been deleted even though IE hasn't been used by the user


    I noticed that a lot. A lot of image and thumbnail caches and quite a few other FF internet files are 'stored' in IE when you use FF. I think it's a way MS can say "See? IE is integrated with Explorer."

  5. It can also remember the setting too, I think because I haven't logged out deleted the cookie and looked at it again yet.

    The problem or bug it has is even though you can show all other topics you then have to click the "Start date" bit so it sorts them logically by the dates.


    It's really stupid to have the newest one shown and then it goes way back several years to some ancient topic next. :huh:



    I notice that the quoted font is about the same size as the older sites' normal posting font, but the actual posts' font is twice the size.

    I guess we're all elderly now.

    Hey, I know a great game. Let's play "Guess What I Forgot".

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