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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I'm gonna assume this is some kind of calender app for office scenarios where an admin or such could post events so that all employees would be able to access them on their networked PCs in their cubicles. Etc. Seems quite a bit on the pricey side. I could see $300, tops.

  2. Alt/tilde/vowel/arrow key? I'm not a pod person. I only have 2 hands with fingers too short for piano lessons.

    (Besides, it doesn't seem to work with generic US keyboards.)

  3. I guess that would depend on the size of the drive and what you plan to store on it. If you already have stuff on it I think the only way to change it would be to reformat it, wiping out everything on it.

  4. Uh..an online calender. For $1550. Riiiiight. Well I was going to buy the Avid Pro sound editor for professional studio production but who on earth could pass up a killer deal like that?!


    Maybe I'm missing something. Or maybe it's the beer talking but isn't the artwork just a tad on the...cheap side? Would anyone ever buy Photoshop CS 5 with cover art like that?

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