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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Nodles, I'm not complaining about the updates for these apps. I think it's a great 'heads-up' service. But shouldn't these all be started in the Software forum? This is the Lounge. Technically, it's a pub. av-19085.gif And you're sitting on my coat. laugh.gif

  2. Wow. I thought I was watching another tsunami with those waves crashing the seawalls. And I remember that particularly famous lighthouse. That boat sure can take some punishment.

  3. Sorry for the late reply. I was looking here, & even though you can download it via the link given above, I can only assume that your wanting the content of the ISO file, just without the container.



    I have the idea that you are wanting it, because you want to create a disk with it, or play around with the files & cannot get it from the ISO. ISO stores files in a single container & retains the bootable information to make it bootable if your re-installing an OS, so I would keep a copy of it like that just for that reason alone.



    To burn the ISO -> In Windows 7, right click the ISO, burn. Else, download IMGBurn & use that.


    To get the files from the ISO (this does have setup.exe, so this may be what you are looking) you can extract them using WinRar, 7Z, WinZip, or other programs.



    Hope this helps & answers any potential questions that you may have been having (but did not ask yet).


    I appreciate your trouble SF but I'm no longer interested in W8 anymore. Well maybe superficially in a "watch & wait" sense but I'm not commited to it. I'm still enjoying W7 too much to give W8 more concern. ;)

  4. I see no reason for it to wantonly destroy any Recovery Partition.

    Just that alone makes me form a crucifix with my fingers.

    It apparently is fine (and will dual boot) if you install it from BIOS onto a second partition.

    I have no experience in that field of science. :wacko:

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