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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Some here at this site uninstalled Java. I have as well. That was about 6 months ago. So far I've run into maybe one site that had a Java-run app or whatever that I couldn't access without Java. You know what? I think Java is bloatware. It's not worth it. Like QuickTime, developers are dropping it.

  2. DD3?

    I checked your current GPU (AMD HD 4200) and it uses PCI-E (PCI-Express) interface, so the new card should be compatible, because (almost) all new cards are PCI-E.

    I guess the only thing is that too big card (or card with big cooler) might not fit in your case, but budjet/mid-level GPU's are usually pretty small and take only 1 slot (from the rear of the case).


    I took a look at those AMD 6870s and they seem to be double-slotted (using 2 aluminim port openings in the back of the PC...If they're called something else please, please correct me.) It seems I have 4 continuous aluminum port openings available.


    I might have to go to Best Buy (I know, I know, it's my only choice out here in the sticks) to "ask" more about this, just to see if my PC is built and ready for this change. (All talk, no spending.) If it's doable I'll definitely get the card from New Egg.


    Thanks for confirming my old card is PCI-Express. Speccy doesn't mention that.


    Oh, Speccy shows my actual PCs' RAM is DDR3. My bad. ^_^

  3. I have an ATI Radeon HD 4200 in my Win 7 (64) HP Pavillion. And 8 gigs ram wasted on it. The 4200 is dropping my Windows Experience Index to 4.0, the limit for Aero graphics & such. Any others familiar with ATI graphics cards that could suggest a good mid-level ATI graphics card that would hold out well for a few more years?


    I know I could scrounge around online myself, but damn, all of Piriform is just incredible. Learn from the best. cheer.gif

  4. I've noticed since I've been using FF 9.0.1 that some sites have been loading extremely slow. Piriform is one of them. I may just go back to FF 8.0.1. or 9.0.0. Might be this html6 thing or whatever it is. Given this current economic climate, I don't trust any companies. Or any government. Or any freakie Occupy whatever. Ew they stink!

  5. Well yeah, Christmas can be one bugger of a vacation. Getting past Winter, that's another more serious matter.

    And yeah the Caps Lock thing...be sure to look at how it came out before hitting Post. I'm dreadful at that but I'm learning bit by bit.


    And now that we're past Christmas we can look forward to Valentines' Day! Starting tomorrow!

  6. I heard that Boxing Day was the manor servants' 'Christmas Day', being they were too busy butlering and maiding during Christmas day to enjoy the day themselves. They'd receive presents from the Lord and Lady the day after Christmas.



    Or maybe it's about this... dunno.gif


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