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Posts posted by Corona

  1. (This is very off topic so please forgive me.) This is incredible. Can it be, 20 - 30 years from now Hazelnut & Dennis D & Andavaari will be the lone few of the several online grandparent bloggers that will be telling newcomers of weird things like hives, partitions, and the Run command? It's amazing how much everyone associated here knows.

  2. Watched a documentary recently about the affects on the old Earth if the moon slipped from it's gravitational pull.


    Apparently a possibility.


    We would experience a rather large tide ... but probably just the one. Then again, if it doesn't happen before Dec this year, it could be purely academical.


    This is a small excerpt from the documentary.




    So I guess IMAO's suggestion of nuking the moon is out?

  3. I've found that traces of what CCleaner finds and supposedly removes...if there's anything "leftover" they're harmless bits of registry hive nonsense that are usually 1 bit or 0 in size. Even on a small XP drive they're minimal at best. Certainly not something that should be "first priority" in regaining disk space.


    You wanna breathe of fresh air? Get a Windows 7 tower with a terabyte drive. Big difference.

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