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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I think I remember that before there was XP there was something like "Wake on LAN".

    It allowed the computer hardware to be powered up by a signal from the Internet.


    It was convenient for the I.T. department to have remote control of all P.C.s so they could update / ensure compliance / spy.

    It was also one of Microsoft's many defaults which gifts to the hackers.


    I trust that update line is a tad more secure these days? :blink:

  2. I think what takes longest to set up after update & installation are the .NET services. I stared at Process Explorer for about 20 minutes as .NET4 kept eating 15-20% memory as it opened & closed in tons of different PIDs. .

  3. Last night when I turned off my pooter I noticed it was downloading major updates from Windows Update so I let it do its thing. Today all videos (You Tube, etc.) just play audio but show a blank green screen. Also, iTunes won't download new podcasts when 'refreshed'.


    What did they do? :angry:

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