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Posts posted by Corona

  1. If you run a tight ship and don't surf pr0n, completely uninstalling an app and purging all hive files can be considered anal retentive, can't it? :huh: I very rarely completely uninstall apps to upgrade. (I don't have Java anymore, I could see the reason with that app, or QuickTime, etc..) But other popular common apps from Filehippo, I really don't see the need.

    Maybe I got it wrong and there's a big update difference between XP & 7 that I don't know about but that's just me.

  2. I booted up this morning and during boot a command box came up and began running something from C\Windows called winSAT. What's that? System Analysis Test? :blink: It ran for about 5 minutes and then resumed booting. When I looked at it for a bit with my decaffeinated eyes it was checking DirectX and memory. Then I went outside and had a ciggy.



    Never mind, it was just a system assessment test. Never seen one done before. Okay, back to the salt mines.

  3. The many version jumps with Chrome (which recently I guess put Moz developers in some sort of 'shame spiral', I dunno) is geared for all the teeny bopper 13 year olds who wanna blab to their friends that they now have the latest version of Chrome or FF because it's wicked cool and stuff.

    Anyone over 30 doesn't care about version numbers, they care about effectiveness. Browser developers are taking the same marketing ploy the RIAA did since the 60s. Get the kids.

  4. That's a great pic, Fluffy. chuckle.gif


    And Hazelnut, it was me. I ate the celery. And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids.

    Did you know there's a consulting firm based in London called Hazelnut 9? I saw that on a blog somewhere recently. Weird. :lol:

  5. Unfortunately they are commercial video DVDs. The problem is that they were pressed (recorded at manufacturing) bad. No scratches or such. That Roadkil app looks interesting. I'll give that a try.

    Thanks everyone! ;)

  6. I don't even know if such a thing exists or how to describe it, thus my lack of Googling about it. I was wondering if there exists an app that can scan poorly recorded DVDs for bad blocks and (possibly rip and) play back just the good blocks without freezing like normal DVD apps do. Or is that stuff still military/FBI/CIA grade material not yet released to the public?

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