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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Maybe it's the beer talking but I'd almost swear that spambots have taken on another new level of A.I. and are being tested out on live blog posts. Still it's a sincere A.I.

    Gotta give credit where credit's due.


    And hey I'm not Corona anymore. From now on I'm Power Member. B)


    And 4 LOVE, I wish you well and hope you are not troubled by malware or spyware. Surf safely and prosper.

  2. I downloaded a program which shall remain nameless, and after scanning (my PC they)

    wanted money to fix errors, meanwhile my computer didn't work after their scan. It has left me

    scared but still .....


    That's how I interpreted those sentences.

    If the program 'remains nameless', how can we tell you anything about it? If it was CCleaner or any other Piriform product, this is the place to ask questions about them.

    It sounds like you may have downloaded a rogue application that mimics other legal products but in reality are money scam rip-offs that drop malware into your system.

    This is also the best place to find out how to rid malware from your system. Not through me though, but with the people who run & moderate this site. Like Andavari up there. ;)


    Remember all Piriform products are free. (CCleaner, Recuva, Defraggler, and Speccy.)

  3. I have a similar story, but my 4 birds just fell out of the nest with the nest and had no feathers. I boxed them, took them home and called a local Nature Center. Of course they did not want them and told us to feed it the hamburger type dog food and give them water using an eye dropper. 2 of them died several days later as feathers were coming in. 2 weeks later one more died and it had full feathers. My daughter, who was very young, was in tears. So we buried it in the back yard. The other was very strong. We began letting it out of a cage we got and put it back in at night. One time we felt it could fly away and tried letting it go. It flew but we wanted it stronger so we got it back and put it in the cage. Once it was strong enough to fly, we let it go and it would come back to its feeding ground...us. When I called it, it landed on my arm and we fed it; when my wife called it, it landed on her head where we would pick it up and feed it. One time when we woke up and went outside to call it, it did not come back. SO we thought the best and it flew away. We continually called it and one day it was on our garage waiting for us....but this time it was calling us. When we opened out door, it flew on my arm where we fed it. It stayed with us for a few minutes and then flew on to the garage. It looked at us, gave out a few chirps and few away. We knew what happened....it came back to tell us thank you and it has to leave us. Till this day we wonder where it went and how long it survived. It was truly one memorable summer for our kids and will never forget it.


    (the Piriform gang)




    Now look what you've done.

  4. Now remember, I'm the kind of guy who sorta cries if I witness a house fly dying. Yeah. Um, that's how I roll.

    My parents passed away years ago, not a tear from me, but that's more of a religious thing with me. But still, I dunno, transference maybe? :blink:

  5. Sorry I haven't replied recently. I ate a hurricane for breakfast Aug. 28th and had full throttle internet constipation, till late last night. (Good thing you weren't near me last night when I finally got my innertubes back, eh? ;) ) Yeah, I got that ram stick a day later and it was so happy to be in my pooter that it ordered up a hurricane appetizer. I was extremely lucky to still have electric and water after that howler. Many fallen trees in the eastern half of the state (CT) knocked out a lot of power lines. But I lost phone access for 3 days, and TV & internet for 6 days.

    "The horror...................the horror................." Yet, I live to tell the tale. It felt like I was in the 1920s, clinging bitterly to my radio and trail mix.

  6. Ever since I downloaded the last version of Sandboxie (my first try) I've never gotten a yellow sandboxed border around any sandboxed folder or app. Win7 64 bit, etc. Luckily FF has a hash mark in the tab title to let me know it's sandboxed. Otherwise I couldn't tell.

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