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Posts posted by Corona

  1. If you're giving your PC to someone you know and trust, no biggie. If you're giving it to a complete stranger, uh, I wouldn't.

    And yeah, there are tons of tiny files kept from being wiped during a reformatting. Years ago on my old XP machine I did a thorough BitDefender online scan (that's one tenacious horrible little bugger, try getting BitDefender out of your registry, jeez!). The online scan lasted 3+ hours and I was looking at the file names as they flashed by and there was stuff from before my last few reformats showing up.

  2. You might say it's a complexity of incoherent design. But then you always say that. :P


    I just looked at W Update and see that the same update was retried and successful last night. Whether that's because I tried to install it from the MS site and maybe shook WU's memory bank into thinking, "Oh yeah...that.", I'll never know. But it's installed. So, goody. :)

  3. Oh this is cute. I tried downloading that exact file from the official MS site and it said I already have that update installed on my computer. I guess it's a glitch in the Windows Update thingy. Sorry about the alarm.


    Picard - "All hands abandon ship! All hands aban-"(BOOOOOOM!)

  4. Security Update for .NET Framework 3.5.1 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 for x64-based Systems (KB2478662)


    Installation date: ‎6/‎15/‎2011 3:09 PM


    Installation status: Failed


    Error details: Code 80070005


    Update type: Important


    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system that is running the Microsoft .NET Framework and gain complete control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.


    More information:



    Help and Support:




    Happened on the 15th. When I Google/Bing it I have 2 choices...download one of two unknown fix-it "softwares" or read posts by people who have no f'n idea what they're talking about. The best they can figure out is that it has to do with permissions.

    I have Win7 Home Premium 64bit.


    By the way, I never use .NET. So maybe I should just let MS figger out they goofed and send out a future update fix? Sounds like a plan. ;)

  5. Avast does its own "WOT-thingy style" for DuckDuckGo. I use MSE but my sister still has XP with Avast. I tried DDGo and Avast shows green meter bars and safety analysis.

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