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Posts posted by Corona

  1. The battery should be in plain site


    I've popped open the side panels of PCs quite a few times and have never seen what looks like some kind of removable battery. I've seen transistors and resistors and cables and drives and fans and ram sticks and video/audio/ethernet cards and heck of a lot of soldering, but hey. :blink: For all we know Shane might think that central looking thing with all the wires sticking out on all 4 equal sides might be the battery. Bye bye CPU.

  2. hkNFJs.png


    I'll try it.


    Ah, good! Thanks kroozer! ;) I'll stick to Imgur for posting clickable thumbnails on this site.


    Winapp2 and Hazelnut, thanks too. I bookmarked those hosts for possible future use.

  3. Dammit, I'm really starting to hate Botophucket again with a vengeance.


    Please, any other free sites that are worth it, throw it my way? I'd appreciate it!

  4. I use PNG for all my pics when applicable, so beware. I've given up on the 1990s formats.


    You dinna wanna see my TIFF collection, do ya? (Actually, that stuff is lost in my old XP HD. And that's corrupt.)

  5. Thanks Ishan and Hazelnut. I bookmarked all those sites and am checking them out now. Kellys' Korner. I remember now. How did I come up with Kate?


    No more coffee for you Hazelnut. You get Typhoo tea from now on. :lol:

  6. In the back of my puny brain I sometimes wonder if there is a Windows 7 version of...I can't remember the site...was it Kates' Korner? The old XP quick-fix site that had tons of tiny reg edit scripts to tweak XP or fix boo-boos. You know the site I'm talking about.

    I'm not in a bind, I was just curious. I know I know, Google it, etc. But I'm a lazy man. A laaaaaaaaaaaazy man. I searched about a month ago and came up with bupkis. I'm not gonna go pore through the MS website. That's like reading a phone book. :mellow:

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