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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Just to note that if you use Easy Clean (again) then ticking/unticking those options will have no effect whatsoever. Those options are only ever used by Custom Clean. Easy Clean completely ignores them and uses its own set of rules. (And it will always clear the Thumbnail cache). PS. You should avoid using the registry cleaner, especially with Windows 10. Here is what Microsoft have to say about registry cleaners: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2563254/microsoft-support-policy-for-the-use-of-registry-cleaning-utilities
  2. Did you raise a support ticket? This is a user forum and everyone here is simply a user willing to help other users by giving their experience when they can. This is mainly to help those who are using the free version and so dont' have access to the paid for support, but we will try to help everyone where we can. You probably did not receive a reply here on the forum as your query seemed to be about a licencing problem which other users can't help with - you would need to contact support directly for those. There are some Piriform employees who help on the forum, their user names end with either "CCleaner" or "Piriform". (eg. "Dave CCleaner"). Whilst they can give more 'official' help they are not technical support either. To receive the technical or licencing support that you paid for with your Pro product then you must contact the support team directly. There are email contact addresses on your purchase notification, one for purchase support and one for technical support. For technical support you can go to: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us and click on 'Submit a request' at the top right. There are also many Frequently Asked Questions and their solutions on that page. Alternatively you can email your support question to support@ccleaner.com
  3. The documentation for the home version can be found here: https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner Some of it can be a bit old, (eg. no mention of Easy Clean), they are working on getting it up to date.
  4. Yes, Endpoint is a term used in computer networking to refer to the device(s) at the 'end of the line'. As a simple example think of a spoked wheel without a rim, the network server will be at the 'hub' (that's where the name comes from) and the endpoints will be the computers at the tip of the spokes. It's more often used in these days of mobile computing to refer to any device that is outside of the corporate firewall. eg. Mobile laptops that communicate with the company server over the internet. Are you using CCleaner Network edition for business use? Because that is the guide that you are quoting from. (If however you are using the home version then reg. backups will just be in your 'Documents' folder. To restore one simply Right-click on the .REG file you want to restore and select 'Merge').
  5. I can't think of any reason why a drive wipe should kill your internet connection? (Just out of interest is it always the same drive being wiped, so the 3rd on initially, when it kills it? and I assume that you have rebooted following the first time). But a 35-pass wipe is overkill, just 1 pass is sufficient these days. 35-pass is only still there for legacy reasons. (and because if you remove it someone will shout that the wiper isn't thorough enough, if they want to wast their time on unnecessary passes then fair enough). Have a read of this : https://www.howtogeek.com/115573/htg-explains-why-you-only-have-to-wipe-a-disk-once-to-erase-it/
  6. When you say that you 'lost' the icons do you mean that they went blank or that they dissapeared altogether? (or have they changed to show something else). And are they icons (little logos) or are they thumbnails (little pictures of what is in a file)? For example CCleaner and defraggler here are desktop Icons, 'bluebell' is a thumbnail of a photograph. CCleaner should not delete/clear the desktop icons. However Easy Clean will always clear your thumbnail cache by default. (But not your Icon cache). Custom Clean can also clear your thumbnail cache but you can turn it on and off in Custom Clean. I suspect that these are thumbnails (not icons) and Easy Clean will always clear them. If you don't want them clearing then you have to use Custom Clean and untick 'Thumbnail cache' under 'Windows Explorer'. You can set Custom Clean to be the default screen that CCleaner will show you when you start it: If these are actually Icons that are being cleared then something is wrong and we would need to take a closer look. PS- Just to check something - are you also running the Registry Cleaner as well as Easy Clean?
  7. Yes - 1909 got the taskbar/system tray (and the searchbox) back to normal working for me. Just to note that while I don't have CC monitoring on, I do have one non-MS application that starts at boot and sits in the system tray. MBEA standalone. Occasionally for some reason Win 10 will not let it launch at boot time and so the icon doesn't appear in the system tray. (MBAE, being a security app, does give a pop-up warning if that happens though). Most of the time it's fine, which to me suggest that it's a Windows 10 issue/glitch. Something else is occasionally preventing MBAE from launching at boot and so it simply times out? Being an intermittent issue I've so far not been able to track it down, but a reboot works for that one. So it may be your Win 10 itself that is preventing CC from launching at boot for some reason? Another thought- Do you have 'Fast Startup' enabled in Windows? That is know to cause various problems, so if it's on then try turning it off. https://www.howtogeek.com/243901/the-pros-and-cons-of-windows-10s-fast-startup-mode/ Note that Win 10 settings have changed slightly since that was written. In "How to disable...." you will need to make an extra click than mentioned there. After selecting 'Power options' you will need to scroll down a bit and click: Additional Power settings. That gets you back to the screenshots in the article
  8. Got to Options>Smart Cleaning and under 'Enable Automatic browser cleaning' you will see your browsers listed. To the right of them is a box with an action and an arrow to drop down the various actions. You can set a different action for each browser - to do nothing, to monitor and notify you if there is something to be cleaned, or to clean on closing the browser either with or without a notification. Selecting 'Clean on closing without notification' would still clean the browser when you close but will not show you a message that has done. Or you could tell it to do nothing in which case the browser will not be automatically cleaned on closing. Or you could untick 'Enable automatic browser cleaning' and your browsers would then only be cleaned when you run CCleaner.
  9. Yes, Easy Clean will clear your browser history every time that you run it. Well that option is in Custom Clean, and as said above if Easy Clean was the same as Custom Clean then it would be pointless having them both. If you want to see what Easy Clean will clean on your computer then launch CCleaner in Debug mode. You run debug mode by going to the searchbox and typing in 'Run' to open the Run-Box. In there type- CCleaner.exe /debug and then click OK. (Doesn't matter if you have 64-bit, the correct one will run). CCleaner will open as normal except for a notification that 'no updates are available' (If you already have the latest), click OK to dismiss that notice. Start Easy Clean and wait until it has analyzed, then quit out without cleaning by clicking on the 'x' in the top right of the window . (Once you close CCleaner you have exited debug mode and it will run in normal mode next time). Debug mode will have made a log file of what it has analyzed, and saved that file it in the CCleaner folder, usually "C:\Program Files\CCleaner". You can open that log in any text editor (Notepad, etc.) to see just what CCleaner analyzed. There is a set of program related stuff an then you will see a line saying- "[current time][INFO ] Entering Analysis" Below that you will see a lot of entries like these which is what CCleaner was Analyzing, (this is only a small section): That section shows that Easy Clean looked at Edge Download History and didn't find any thing to clean, same with Edge RT URLs, then it looked at Temporary Internet files (That's internet Explorer) and found 2 files to clean. Each of those 'OnRuleStarted/OnRuleFinished' tells you what catagories Easy Clean will analyze, and clear if there is anything in it. Some of the list will be slightly different for each computer depending on what Browsers and other software you have installed. (For instance I don't have Chrome so there are no entries for Chrome, but I do have Firefox and those entries show under Mozilla).
  10. Have you tried ticking 'Run CCleaner when the computer starts'? PS. I note from your screenshots that you are using Easy Clean, which seems odd for a Pro user but each to their own. If you want to Use Custom Clean as the default instead then my screenshot shows you where to set that as well.
  11. Easy Clean and Custom Clean work with different settings, that's why the two different cleaning types are there. Whilst I can understand your frustration at using the wrong one for your needs I'm not sure why you thought they would both do the same thing? If Easy Clean did the same thing as the Custom Clean settings then it would be Custom Clean. (There would be no point in having two things that did exactly the same). Easy Clean uses it's own basic settings, Custom Clean gives you more control over what gets cleaned or not. PS. You can set Custom Clean to be the default clean by changing the following-
  12. Which version, and build, of Win 10 do you have? You can find the information in Settings>System>About There were some problems with the sytem tray and taskbar (and Start menu) in some recent 1903 builds.
  13. I assume that this is the 'Black Friday' offer which was launched today, with a pop-up appearing when you launched CCleaner. https://www.ccleaner.com/black-friday (We are told that you'll see a maximum of 4 'Black Friday' offer pop-ups up to December 3rd when the offer ends). If your puchase a new licence whilst your current one still has time left on it then the time left will be added on, and the new one will run for one year after your existing one ends. This means that existing users can take advantage of special offers without losing out. We have not been told that this particular offer is any different than normal. If you upgrade to the Pro-plus bundle at the same time then you will get a new licence key for that, and it may take a little longer to add on the existing time. @Dave CCleaner explained it in a post back in September:
  14. I don't use automatic Browser cleaning myself, but I thought that you had to click on the notifications to dismiss them? If you don't want to see the notifications at all then in CCleaner go to Options>Smart Cleaning and in 'Enable automatic browser cleaning' change the action for each browser to "automatically clean on closing without notification." (Or you could turn off the automatic cleaning of browsers on closing altogether?)
  15. Apologies that nobody replied to you before, I'm not sure why. The false licencing notification issue has been fixed. There was a intermittent problem with the old licence server which has now been replaced with a new server, you should not get those messages anymore if your licence is still in date. The problem with your browser cleaning is a seperate issue, could you explain a bit more just what you are seeing? What browser you are using, and your Windows version, may also give a better clue of what the problem might be.
  16. I'm not sure exactly what you are describing there, but it sounds like you may have a corrupted bin. See this for a solution for that:
  17. It sounds as if you may have a corrupted Recycle Bin. It happens more often than you may think, but most people wouldn't notice for a while if at all. (You probably wouldn't have if you weren't using CCleaner) See this for how to reset and so fix a corrupted bin: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/recycle-bin-is-corrupted-windows
  18. As said above some system, and application, files need to have duplicates in more than one location in order to work properly. If you remove one then unexpected things may start to happen. A Windows update will also leave duplicate system files for a while (as a backup), Windows will (should) automatically remove the uneeded copy after a time (once it's sure that it is unneeded). Unless you are a computer repair expert then it's best to leave system files well alone and only ever remove duplicates of your own files - photos/videos/documents/music files/etc.
  19. Good to hear that you seem to have found the issue - and even better found a solution.
  20. It's something you see with a lot of software on Virus Total. (Not just Speccy). There are nearly alway one or two of the engines that report false positives, the other 65 (including all the 'big boys' report it as clean. It's usually the same 2 or 3 engines that report FPs. Either they are too being cautious, their definitions are not updated often enough, or they are simply poorly written, make your own mind up which. Most regular VT users would not be bothered about 2/67 flagging an item, especially when it's those particular AVs that are throwing the flags. In my opinion, and I'm not the only one, those particular AVs should be removed from the VT listings. I, and others, suspect that they may be doing it deliberately so they can claim that they 'find more' than major AVs.
  21. The last news we had from a staff member was on the 14th, which said the new server was being brought online over last weekend. In the meantime the incorrect pop-ups had been stopped, and we have stopped seeing complaints about them. You should no longer see these incorrect messages. I've asked the staff for an update on progress with the new server installation.
  22. I'm afraid not. As one of the reasons for using CCleaner is to free up disk space then making a backup of deleted files would defeat the object, because the backup would then take as much space as the deleted files. However if you have your Firefox synced, then your history will be stored in your Firefox account in the cloud (their servers) and you should be able to restore if from there by logging in to your Firefox account and re-syncing it. This explains how to use syncing in Firefox. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-do-i-set-sync-my-computer
  23. Can you not do this by adding the 2 folders as 'includes', and then ticking both those folders and only those 2 folders? Similar to this:
  24. I wonder if it's anything to do with the Meltdown (and Spectre) vulnerabilities in Intel chips? https://www.wired.com/story/intel-mds-attack-taa/
  25. Makes marketing sense, you don't want to risk a (another) buggy feature update in the run up to Black Friday and Christmas, that could affect sales.
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