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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. From what I can tell, the Firefox WGA plugin doesn't work on 1.5
  2. Pretty much all anti-spyware companies do. This new MSAS was also posted under the Sony Rootkit thread too a day or two ago.
  3. Digital Signatures, not Version. The version is that of the installer.
  4. The frontpage of Lunarsoft.net has a direct link to the working version. You can verify by right clicking the install exe, going to Properties, Digital Signatures and seeing that it says November. When you run the install it will prompt about upgrading.
  5. Microsoft AntiSpyware 1.0.701 removes Sony Rootkit.
  6. I appreciate the post Twisted. I too have worked in customer service for over several years. One year at K-Mart, then 2-3 at a local bank chain where I was top teller for customer service and friendliness. Twisted's post is accurate, I am straightforward. Again I will say that none of the posts were meant to offend in any way. Solutions were offered so that you would be safe from making the same mistake twice.
  7. I gave you a very simple solution, which you called a "BS answer". Yet it is based upon well known fact by pc users as even TwistedMetal has said. I'm sorry that you cannot accept that. The answers provided were supported as well, though you continued to complain about a non-existing problem that was solely upon your mistake. How many times do you expect the users of this forum and product to tell you it is not an issue when you keep posting about it? You were not harassed, you asked a question and repeated yourself, thus you were provided with a similar answer each time. Nothing was intended to offend, I assure you that.
  8. Then go read his post and see how accurate it is.
  9. It's like asking "Change your program because of my stupidity!"
  10. Heck I tend to defrag a few times a week. Twice usually. One a week average.
  11. They do, check my reply to Andavari in my post above.
  12. Even the Windows Disk Cleanup empties the Temp folders. A program doing exactly what it is designed for makes it flawed? No. The source of the fault happens to be with the user (in this case you) for saving important document(s) to a/the TEMP directory. Bottom line: You cannot blame a program for a fault that is your own. Your answer is: When it is stored in a temporary directory. There is no evaluation here. It is a known fact that files in a TEMP directory are TEMPORARY. Let me adjust the colors so you can get this message. TEMPORARY Does that help? It should. That would be pointless as well since CCleaner is made to "Empty Recycle Bin". We're removing junk data, not moving it. You have the Analyze button to see what is going to be removed and you used it. Here's a few easy solutions to your "issue". Pay attention to what you're doing. Don't save documents into anything that says TEMP. Save your documents to My Documents. (Sounds a lot better than TEMP) If it's important, it doesn't go in anything labeled TEMP. Stop blaming CCleaner for your mistake and problem please. Your whining about your mistake is getting annoying. CCleaner already checks the timestamp on all items in the TEMP directories to see if they are older than 48 hours. If they are, it will remove them. This is an optional feature, as CCleaner can be set to remove all files in TEMP directories regardless of the timestamp.
  13. Did you look here? At the bottom it says Outpost Free Firewall, and this holds more info.
  14. You wouldn't be having this "issue" if you had saved to a folder other than TEMP, now would you? (Psst, the correct answer is "No.") Why would you want to save documents that are important to a TEMP directory anyways? Did you stop to think about that? Temp directories in Windows means that files in that folder are TEMPORARY. It's a very simple concept. I'm pretty sure just about everyone here will agree that this is no issue at all. CCleaner is doing it's job properly, it's just that you made a very poor choice to save your document(s) to a temporary directory. Try moving your documents to My Documents instead to resolve your "issue".
  15. Tarun

    Computer Fried

    Sounds like either the monitor, or the graphics card. There's no harm in leaving the computer/monitor on either, it's actually better for the system.
  16. Simple solution. Stop saving your documents in TEMP directories, save them to My Documents instead. There is also a 48 hour protection (optional, enabled by default) for all items in TEMP directories.
  17. It overwrites Windows files only, does not mess with settings, and is free. Pretty common sense answers there.
  18. Tarun


    System Restore on Windows ME was broken and always will be. They tried an update patch to fix it but it too didn't fix all the issues. System Restore on Windows XP works fine, and does what they said. ME was a test subject for System Restore, and it failed. In all honesty, just remove it. It's broken and it won't work. If you want a good system recovery application, get GoBack 2.x or 3.x
  19. Logitech installs backweb, I've recently found.
  20. Resize the browser window, then close it. The settings will be retained. Just an IE issue.
  21. Tarun

    Is this okay?

    These are still betas, etc. So don't count on anything they say.
  22. 1.5 RC3 just came out this afternoon. >.>
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