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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Tarun


    Go to Start and use the Search feature built into Windows. If you find it, try and delete it. If you can't delete it, use HijackThis to delete it.
  2. Tarun


    O4 - HKCU\..\RunServices: [iE Runtime] winlo.exe The above file is malicious, remove it from your HijackThis log and Search your hard drive to delete it as well.
  3. Agnitum Outpost Pro 3. Easy on resources and is a Godly firewall. Better than the buggy ZoneAlarm Pro.
  4. The following regkey will reset all of your settings, including font, login prefs and more: [MSN Messenger]RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings After removing RegKey2 mentioned above, this problem no longer happens with MSN Messenger. Btw, I'm using v7.5.0306.
  5. Tarun

    Registry Compacter

    Registry First Aid. Not free but works.
  6. Open winapp.ini or winapp2.ini and find the eMule entry. It will tell you how it detects there. I'm betting it's a registry entry. You'd find it via regedit, or you can always try running the Issues cleaner a few times.
  7. Perfectly healthy to have a fantasy, but why mess with a fantasy when you can enjoy a reality?
  8. This has been discussed numerous times here on the forums; it is safe to remove because it is OLD prefetch data. Meaning obsolete, no longer used, etc.
  9. Try closing Norton and then running the cleaner.
  10. http://www.acesoft.net/delete_index.dat_files.htm http://support.it-mate.co.uk/?mode=Products&p=index.datsuite
  11. Then are deleted on next bootup, then remade by Windows.
  12. Solution: Fix CCleaner MSVBVM60.DLL crash errors
  13. Tarun

    Start Bar

    Have there been any modifications made to your system that would effect explorer.exe?
  14. Tarun

    Start Bar

    As I'm thinking it may be out there and able to be used with a patched UXTheme.dll file. So the service keeps re-enabling itself after you disable it. Did you use the services.msc to disable it? Find it and right click, go to Properties, the dropdown box should be changed to Disabled. Press Apply, then OK. That should fix it.
  15. Tarun

    Luna Element 4

    The UxTheme patch actually tells you a prompt will appear to fix any replaced file. Dunno how well it works though.
  16. Tarun

    Luna Element 4

    He tells you in the Luna Element 4.2a posting. Other info: The clock is modified with a program called LClock. Available here: [link] Wallpaper available here: [link]
  17. Windows Messenger is actually useful to have installed, believe it or not. As you can have Remote Assistance done to your computer should you ever need it.
  18. Tarun

    Start Bar

    Are you using it for a certain theme?
  19. Tarun

    end of winmx

    Obviously several people here care. Don't be so negative.
  20. Tarun

    Start Bar

    Start > Run > Services.msc Find "TuneUp WinStyler Theme Service" Set to Disabled. If this causes any issues, just reset it to Manual or Automatic.
  21. Please post your entry.
  22. Tarun

    Start Bar

    Glad to hear it's all fixed up.
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