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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Guys, this is already built into the forums. It's just underneath the Fast Reply, Add Reply, etc. buttons. See attached:
  2. Never delete the index.dat in the PCHealth section.
  3. It should not have any effect on your Internet.
  4. Tarun


    It's been out since about a week ago. >.>
  5. ezTrust, free for one year.
  6. Nah. Gotta move the mouse to change vids somehow.
  7. I don't think I could. See, I have to use both hands!
  8. AOL literally destroys systems, litters the registry and more.
  9. Yeah, it was fun though; it was one of those anything goes topics.
  10. So you didn't find RichTx32.ocx? Go download it and pop it into the system32 directory, then Start > Run > regsrv32 C:\Windows\System32\RichTx32.ocx Be sure it's version It can handle it fine, it just takes time.
  11. 22 extensions? No wonder. I've got less than ten and Firefox flies, even loading (with no prefetch!)
  12. Your spelling is pretty flawless on my site... (...keep going...) (oh yeah baby, a little lower *lol*) ...now that I can edit your posts.
  13. Thanks! It took a few months longer than I planned, but I'm using the forums I want and a nice portal (though they really need to learn how to spell inside it. ) I love that it's free. I just need donations/support to give my members and users better things.
  14. But I only qualify as a Demi-God. ;D
  15. Gotta pay for that "free" healthcare somehow.
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