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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. So what happened here? Is everything fixed now, or what?
  2. C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache - it's a folder, look in alphabetical order..it is there. Copy it into your C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder as well. Reboot after that and see if the error is still occurring.
  3. Okay, I will get back to you on the USER.EXE file shortly. Are you using XP Home or Professional? Also, you don't want to do a repair installation...at least not yet. If you end up needing to there is an easier way than using the Recovery Console. But that should be a last resort. When you are running DOS applications are you using Cmd.exe or Command.com?
  4. Okay, well hopefully that is your only problem here then. USER.EXE is the Windows User-interface core component. What is strange here though is that sfc /scannow should have replaced that missing file. Now do a search for USER.EXE the same way as before, but put your CD in and choose to search that drive whatever letter that is on your pc. It will probably be located in the I386 folder on your CD. Copy that file to 2 places on your pc, but copy it to the dllcache first. C:\WINDOWS\system32 and C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache Side Note: When you are running DOS applications are you using Cmd.exe or Command.com?
  5. Okay, did you look for the USER.EXE file? If found where is it located? Refer to Post #12.
  6. Also, do a search for USER.EXE Goto Start Menu > Search > Click All Files and Folders, scroll down to the More Advanced Options which is the last option, click that and then make sure there is a check next to Search System Folders, Search Hidden Files and Folders & Search Subfolders If you do find USER.EXE on your system where is it showing? The complete path please.
  7. Have you checked your Event Viewer to see what it says there? Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer 1. In the Left Window Pane click on 'Application Log'. Then click on 'Action' (at the top) and choose clear all events. If you are asked to save the log choose 'NO'. 2. In the Left Window Pane click on 'System Log'. Then click on 'Action' (at the top) and choose clear all events. If you are asked to save the log choose 'NO'. 3. Close all Windows and run the program to recreate the error you are experiencing. Once the error has ocurrred open the Event Viewer again. Look in both the Application and System Logs for anything with a yellow exclamation and anything with a red X next to them. 4. If you find anything please post back with Source, Event ID, and the Description. Hopefully this will give more information about what is going on.
  8. Don't hold back E! Tell us how you really feel! Just to make sure that I understand you correctly...you like GIF's, right?
  9. Refer to Post#5 As for you, welcome and you could strongly benefit from acquainting yourself with this site. Look through firewalls and security.
  10. When are you going to wise up and give into peer pressure dude!?!? ROFLMAO (I crack myself up sometimes, hehehe). FIRE FOX RULES...IE SUX
  11. Welcome And thank you for attempting other solutions before replying. Which OS are you using and are you logged on as the administrator?
  12. krit86lr

    Forum Members

    I'm just curious, but why do you want to know?
  13. krit86lr

    issues problem

    Give this a shot and let us know if it works.
  14. I don't agree with that because it only happens when I can't see smiley's (emotion pics). There are times when the URL thing is true, but that is a different thing all together. When the forum is messing up the avatar is just a box with a red x in it. When a URL is messed up the picture just disappears. How do you know that? And what are referers? And why does the problem crop up and go away on its own?
  15. krit86lr

    Arovax Shield

    I know for me that quite often my email will filter those confirmations into my Junk folder. I would look there, and see if it did arrive.
  16. I don't remember about the avatars actually. I think that some will show and others don't when the forum gets all weird. Are you using FF btw? As for the "Yo Yo Yo" I change that in My Controls under Profile. It's the top line. I don't know how many posts you need to change that yourself. If you don't have enough posts I think RR can change it for you, but I'm not certain. ttyl
  17. Hi monich and welcome A few people have reported that with v1.29. This is the first I've heard of it with v1.30, I had assumed it was fixed because it is working on my machines. So I would say that it's a bug that hasn't been fixed yet, and I would suggest that you follow Andavari's suggestion until the problem is fixed in CCleaner.
  18. Well, I'd tell you how to fix it but I'm not DjLizard so I'll leave it to him. lmao
  19. Ah, that happens to me too periodically. It gets all weird and then after a day or so it is back to normal. Unfortuanately, I don't know why. I just try to ignore it when it happens because I know it will eventually fix itself.
  20. Why is what? Why do I like it, or why am I using it?
  21. I've been using linux on another machine and I really like it.
  22. Hi Jason and Welcome Does this help? CCleaner Features There is also a link for the Beginnner's Guide in my sig. That might help as well. Please feel free to let us know if you have anymore questions.
  23. That's for sure. Although it has gotten so ridiculous at this point that it's almost funny. I've never been called a "horrible mangy cat" before!
  24. Then stop using IE!!!!! You should know better by now. roflmao
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