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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. LOL, that link is provided in the link above as well.
  2. Hello tornadox I do not believe that CCleaner has that ability, but you can refer to this thread which might provide you with what you are looking for RemoveWGA 1.1. Let me know if that is what you're looking for.
  3. Hi pwiller, have you tested all of the above with IE7 Beta? In the past, with IE7 Beta 2, the above didn't work. Although, I haven't bothered to test the cookies issue with Beta 3 yet (I guess I gave up). IF you got it to work, could you tell me and others how? This is been a problem for people for awhile now, thanks.
  4. That is a very inadequite response YoKenny. You are correct that IE7 Beta is not prime time, but CCleaner users still deserve to know the consequences of using the 2 applications together. MrG will fix the problem in the next release of CCleaner, but as of now any user who uses the HotFix Unistaller will be forced to reformat their PC if anything goes wrong. @Mik 15...I will provide you the proof that you need upon request because it's already posted in 2 other threads. Because, if for some reason an End-User needs to do a repair installation...the downloaded SP2 has to be uninstalled prior to doing so. YoKenny I suggest that you learn a bit more about computers and the Windows OS before providing such uneducated criticim, and/or advice. EDIT: Before posting advice to n00bs please have proof to backup your words. Thanks.
  5. Yeah, it's so soon after the release that they could come in handy for now.
  6. Are these files not needed for anything?
  7. MrG rocks! The new CCleaner will be released in a week and it will ignore the IE7Beta Uninstaller folders. Thanks MrG
  8. edit The link from What website? CCleaner is not infected. You must have downloaded from a bad site. But without any more information from you we can't help you.
  9. Hi joiner. This needs to be CLEAR, because it can be dangerous...e.g., reformatting your pc. Please read the following very carefully. IF, you tick the box that says "Hotfix Uninstaller" under the Andvanced options you will never be able to remove IE7 Beta 3 from your PC without reformatting. With Beta 2 we could use someone else's Uninstaller folder, as Andy uploaded it for people. But with Beta 3 this cannot be done. In addition, CCleaner does not know how to handle the cookies, and will clean your IE7 Beta cookies even if you tell it to keep them. "Please note that this build is intended for technical enthusiasts. Be aware that *I* expect you to be ready, willing and able to reformat your system if things go wrong - therefore, if you come to the groups and say "IE7 killed my machine but I have no backup and can't reformat, I hate Microsoft" you won't be getting much in the way of sympathy from me ;o) This upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 focuses primarily on bug and compatibility issues and is currently available in English for XP SP2, x64 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 on June 26, 2006. Other languages are to come soon (German, Japanese, Finnish & Arabic). Uninstallation instructions - these are quite different to what has gone before. IE7 Beta 3 creates this directory: C:\WINDOWS\ie7beta3 In that directory is an spuninst folder. Inside that folder is spuninst.exe as well as a very interesting document called spuninst.txt which details exactly what will be deleted and replaced with older copies during uninstall of IE7 Beta 3. Now, in the past some have offered their own copies of the uninstall directory when others have foolishly deleted their own copies, or third party software has done it for them. But be warned, there is more to removing IE7 Beta 3 than just that directory. A directory called C:\WINDOWS\$hf_mig$ is also edited/created during the installation of IE7 Beta 3, and it is full of various security update folders. The potential for damage if you take somebody else's C:\Windowsie7beta3 and install it on your own system to remove the beta is incalculable. On my system $NtUninstallKB915865$ and $NtUninstallKB904942$ were also created/updated."
  10. Well so far all that is know is that the diagnostic tool has a glitch in it. Today the diagnostic tool gave me a Genuine Status. I told them to fix it. My WGA Forum Thread
  11. Hello and welcome "Please supply your Operating system Version followed by your computer's specifications, i.e. RAM, CPU, Hard Drive etc. We need to know your computer specs (speed, memory, operating system, etc.) and theres no such thing as too much info here. This is an easy one, often overlooked. Since you're asking people to diagnosis your problem from thousands of miles away, we need this. Imagine calling a car dealer and saying your car wont start and expecting an answer without giving any other information except that it wont start!" Quoted from MG
  12. I had the same experience with IE Beta 2, but Beta 3 is much better in my opinion. It isn't better than FF, but it is better than Opera now in my opinion.
  13. Hi jamin220 Take a look here CCleaner issues re-appearing, and let us know if you need more help. And as Oli stated, be sure that you have Administrator rights. Good Luck!
  14. Hi Mik15 and Welcome The only thing that I would warn you about is the "Hotfix Uninstallers" option under Advanced. If you have installed any of the IE7 Betas or SP2 (as a download) then do not check that option. Enjoy!
  15. krit86lr

    Uninstalling IE7

    Nope. Read the release notes. You can't install IE7 Beta over itself. This is only for IE7 Beta 2. IE7 Beta 2 Uninstaller Post #8 Thanks to AndyManchesta, he uploaded the Uninstaller folder for people that deleted their own Uninstaller. Thanks Andy.
  16. krit86lr

    Uninstalling IE7

    CCleaner will only remove the IE7 Uninstaller file if you have the option "Hotfix Uninstallers" ticked under the Advanced Tab. Hi asem34 Which IE7 Beta are you using?
  17. Ah, sorry about that Hazelnut. I haven't been keeping up lately. I confirmed today that it IS NOT ILLEGAL!!! I posted this on the Microsoft WGA Validation forum today, and it wasn't a problem.
  18. OMG dude. I officially think you're just weird now. ROFLMAO Where did you find that line btw? ROFLMAO ROFLMAO ROFLMAO ROFLMAO You kill me E!
  19. You are correct about that. Awwwwww oh, well...you snooze you lose
  20. Good advice Andavari. I also PMd MrG and asked him if he could make CCleaner ignore the IE7 Beta 3 Uninstaller in the next release. Mainly because we won't be able to help people when they lose it. I have a feeling that this could snowball quickly. I really wish that PC users would be more responsible when using beta software. A responsible beta user should backup their whole PC before installation, make a new System Restore Point before installation, and put a copy of the uninstaller on CD, or something of that nature.
  21. So do you still have your unistaller or not?
  22. There is one more option besides formatting. Do you have any System Restore points from before installing IE7 Beta 3? If that doesn't work, then the ONLY option is formatting. Good Luck! (I feel like I'm talking to myself now. )
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