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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. What were you doing to come across that Gunner? ROFLMAO
  2. Hello and Welcome Thank you for the informative information!
  3. Welcome Please refer to the appropriate forum Suggestions for CCleaner
  4. krit86lr

    MS Website

    Does anyone know if MS's website is having problems today? ty
  5. I got that much. What is it called???????????????
  6. This was interesting. Q. Why are my restore points missing or deleted? A. If no free disk space on monitored system drive or on any of the available non-system drives exists, System Restore will purge restore points consistently across all monitored partitions to free disk space. If the free disk space falls below 50 MB on any monitored partition, System Restore will stop monitoring and suspend. Note: Some users have reported that using the Real Player One utility has deleted restore points. Please review your System Event Viewer log for System Restore events for a volume error event. Restore points are saved in under x:\system volume information\_restore{558C94FD-3C7F-4954-A02D- 26679E6D849E}. Each restore point's files are saved in a folder named RPXX where XX is a two digit number corresponding to the restore point.
  7. oh! You didn't say that before silly. I don't know then. What is that?
  8. Sorry Aaron, but you lost me here. An update of what? What update would erase system restore points? He said he's using the latest version There aren't any options that say it will delete system restore points. Okay, I am running XP and my system restore points aren't being deleted. Maybe someone else is experiencing this? I have a feeling it isn't CCleaner doing it though.
  9. WOW!!!!! This must be a sign that people are getting burnt out on machines. lmao Aliens?????? I think maybe, and maybe not. I don't know. I'll know when science knows. lol
  10. Yep oli is right. 1. I know that I just recently upgraded my Linksys router. That's the first thing to do. 2. Then change the channel. What can happen is wireless/cordless phones can interefere with the connection because they run on the same frequency as the router. Try those things first then let us know if that helped. Also, what is that satellite thing? What does it do? Do you have a link for it? K
  11. Hello and welcome Gosh that is not good. I'm not really sure where to start with this one to be honest. Can you start with giving some more information and a screen shot? Did you make a backup of the changes? What OS are you running? What version of CCleaner are you using? Can you post a screenshot so that we can see what you are talking about? Have you installed anything else recently? Thanks, K
  12. Welcome What do you mean by 'system backups'? Do you mean 'system restore points', or your own personal back ups of your PC? What OS are you running? What version of CCleaner are you running? Thanks, K
  13. Hello and welcome You don't need to uninstall your older version of CCleaner. You can just go ahead with the installation. K
  14. After running analyze are there a lot of red bars? And are you the administrator?
  15. Agreed. If people would just take Andavari's advice about layered security the HJT forum wouldn't be so damn swamped all the time. lmao
  16. krit86lr


    Uh, yeah. What do you need help with?
  17. Hello, I don't understand what you mean. Download DAF Here. Download it to your desktop so that you can find it easily. Then extract it to your desktop so that you can find it. Lauch DAF > (click) Tools > (click) Repair Permission > (click) GO > Reboot After that try CCleaner again. Let us know if you have anymore problems. Kristin
  18. Then you're going to pay more money.
  19. Please feel free to speak your mind. I always love a good debate.
  20. What suggestion? I only helped him repair his permissions. I forgot about the adobe thing... Are you talking about Dial-A-fix? If so, it's really up to you whether or not to keep, but it isn't dangerous so I would not encourage you to be worried about it. But do whatever makes you more comfortable. There isn't any reason to use it unless you have pinpointed a problem and know which settings to use to fix the problem. Actually, DjLizard rocks for creating such an awesome tool for all of us to use.
  21. Awwww....It'll be okay DjLizard.
  22. And we enjoy new people.
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