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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Good. Then it did serve a purpose after all. Yo yo yo LOTW!
  2. You could change the date and time to launch it on demand. Or just click on start > Windows update. I'm not sure that answered your question though.
  3. In short. This thread ended up being pointless. LMAO HOST files suggest that you set the service to "manual", not "disabled". While set on manual the service will be started anyway. Therefore, whether the service is set to auto, or manual...the service will be on if you connect to the internet. MOVING ON!!!!
  4. ---------------JULY BABY -------------- Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover. That would be about right, but it's missing....A LOVE FOR COMPUTERS.
  5. In theory that is possible. But there are many files and folders so it would take a very long time. If you are trying to uninstall Beta 2, your best bet is to get a copy of someone's uninstaller. Btw, Beta 3 is much better. I would not suggest that you manually, by yourself, try to make the changes. There will be registry changes as well. (Just wanted to make that clear. )
  6. I don't understand the question.
  7. I'm sorry, but this thread was in reference to IE7 Beta 2. The same solution does not work for Beta 3. IF, you tick the box that says "Hotfix Uninstaller" under the Andvanced options you will never be able to remove IE7 Beta 3 from your PC without reformatting. With Beta 2 we could use someone else's Uninstaller folder, as Andy uploaded it for people. But with Beta 3 this cannot be done. In addition, CCleaner does not know how to handle the cookies, and will clean your IE7 Beta cookies even if you tell it to keep them. "Please note that this build is intended for technical enthusiasts. Be aware that *I* expect you to be ready, willing and able to reformat your system if things go wrong - therefore, if you come to the groups and say "IE7 killed my machine but I have no backup and can't reformat, I hate Microsoft" you won't be getting much in the way of sympathy from me ;o) This upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 focuses primarily on bug and compatibility issues and is currently available in English for XP SP2, x64 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 on June 26, 2006. Other languages are to come soon (German, Japanese, Finnish & Arabic). Uninstallation instructions - these are quite different to what has gone before. IE7 Beta 3 creates this directory: C:\WINDOWS\ie7beta3 In that directory is an spuninst folder. Inside that folder is spuninst.exe as well as a very interesting document called spuninst.txt which details exactly what will be deleted and replaced with older copies during uninstall of IE7 Beta 3. Now, in the past some have offered their own copies of the uninstall directory when others have foolishly deleted their own copies, or third party software has done it for them. But be warned, there is more to removing IE7 Beta 3 than just that directory. A directory called C:\WINDOWS\$hf_mig$ is also edited/created during the installation of IE7 Beta 3, and it is full of various security update folders. The potential for damage if you take somebody else's C:\Windowsie7beta3 and install it on your own system to remove the beta is incalculable. On my system $NtUninstallKB915865$ and $NtUninstallKB904942$ were also created/updated."
  8. Software updates are also stored in the $NTUninstall$ folders. You can refer to the following link if you're interested in learning a bit more. http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=5771 MS info on XP SP2 It does create a $NtUninstall$ folder. Important If you install Windows XP SP2 on a computer that is already running Windows XP SP2, you will create a new uninstall folder on your hard disk drive. This new folder will use 50-100 megabytes of disk space. Every time that you install Windows XP SP2, a new folder is created. Use any one of the following methods to remove Microsoft Windows XP SP2 from your computer: ? Use the Add or Remove Programs tool in Control Panel ? Use the hidden $NtServicePackUninstall$ folder ? Use the System Restore process ? Use Recovery Console
  9. Not exactly. If you have a downloaded SP2, or WMP Beta11 you do not want to use the "hotfix uninstaller" option.
  10. Ah! Thanks for the link. Now I see what you were getting at. That's a very good point. You're right about that. Although! My question is about the manual setting. The service should turn itself on when needed if set to manual right?
  11. Okay, well that is definitely a valid point. It will slow it down, although I don't know by how much. With my connection I don't notice it, but I'm sure that slower connections probably will.
  12. Hello and welcome Take a look here. Updating your VB should solve that problem. Let us know if that works out for you.
  13. I know, but I'm always up for a good debate. I'm a bit curious as to why a MS person is trying to modify CCleaner though? It's a bit bizarre.
  14. But it says to set it to manual, not disable it. I understand what the problem is regarding disabling the service, but with HOSTS it's suggested that you set the service to Manual, not disabled. What am I missing? There shouldn't be a problem if it's set to Manual, right?
  15. Ah, but the WGA still has bugs in it and has the potential of falsly identifying your copy of windows as illegal. That really bothers me.
  16. That is true in some cases. I know that is true with IE7 Beta 3, but it wasn't so with Beta 2. Like I said I haven't read the release notes for WMP, I suppose now I will. I'm interested in knowing how critical it is. Simply put, in my opinion the program uninstallers should be in the programs folder with that specific program. I also would like to add that I warn people quite often not to use the "hotfix uninstaller" option in CCleaner if they have a downloaded SP2, and or IE7 Beta 3. I think that the SP2 uninstaller is the next issue to be addressed in regards to CCleaner. Cheers, Kristin
  17. That's correct. But isn't the purpose of setting a service to manual so that the service starts itself only when needed? Why is it necessary to set it on Automatic, other than having another service set to automatic that depends on that service? (lol, did you all follow that? )
  18. All that I have to say about this at this point is that MrG is very open to suggestions. He was informed about CCleaner removing the IE7 Beta 3 uninstaller and the seriousness and modified the most recent version of CCleaner to ignore that specific uninstaller now. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind doing the same for WMP, BUT I personally don't see this at a serious issue. Honestly, I haven't read the release notes on WMP Beta, but my guess would be that one could use someone else's uninstaller? Also, I think that it's necessary to take into account that not many 3rd party apps tailor for Beta software. Also, I have to agree with Andavari that MS's method of locating "program" uninstallers for beta software is currently not appropriate. rant over
  19. Even more to the point. Why you shouldn't install Betaware if you don't know the proper way to do so. It is the user's responsibility to make a backup before installing betaware. With betaware there is always the risk of needing a backup. Yes, we all have known for quite awhile that CCleaner will remove the uninstallers for IE7 and WMP, if and only if you tick the box marked 'hotfix uninstallers' because those beta programs are hotfixes, which I think is a poor choice on MS's part. If you are using IE7 Beta 2 there is an Uninstaller uploaded on the forum. If you are using Beta 3 then you are out of luck. CCleaner has been modified in the current version to ignore the IE7 Hotfix Uninstallers. All the best.
  20. Side Note: I couldn't remove the WGA Notifications using CCleaner. Same here. CCleaner couldn't uninstall it for me either. Have tried this yet? There's a 3rd party tool, and a method suggested by MS. (that's all that I know)
  21. Yep. I just finished testing it, and it is safe now. Thanks MrG!
  22. Why did you bypass IE7? I didn't like Beta 2, and uninstalled it soon after. But if you like betaware you should check it out. I think you'd like it. As for my previous post. It wasn't a challenge, but a sincere question. The IE7 Beta's have been a pain when it comes to cookies, with or without CCleaner. But lot's of users really complain about the issues with the 2 together. I was hoping that you knew a trick or 2. I finally gave up on it myself.
  23. He would have believed you.
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