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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. OMG! I just installed IE7 Beta3, and I like it better than Opera. It's almost as good as FF as well, but not as customizable so therefore isn't as good. But MS did good this time.
  2. Oh, my. The more I read about this the worse it gets. "Please note that this build is intended for technical enthusiasts. Be aware that *I* expect you to be ready, willing and able to reformat your system if things go wrong - therefore, if you come to the groups and say "IE7 killed my machine but I have no backup and can't reformat, I hate Microsoft" you won't be getting much in the way of sympathy from me ;o) This upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 focuses primarily on bug and compatibility issues and is currently available in English for XP SP2, x64 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 on June 26, 2006. Other languages are to come soon (German, Japanese, Finnish & Arabic). Uninstallation instructions - these are quite different to what has gone before. IE7 Beta 3 creates this directory: C:\WINDOWS\ie7beta3 In that directory is an spuninst folder. Inside that folder is spuninst.exe as well as a very interesting document called spuninst.txt which details exactly what will be deleted and replaced with older copies during uninstall of IE7 Beta 3. Now, in the past some have offered their own copies of the uninstall directory when others have foolishly deleted their own copies, or third party software has done it for them. But be warned, there is more to removing IE7 Beta 3 than just that directory. A directory called C:\WINDOWS\$hf_mig$ is also edited/created during the installation of IE7 Beta 3, and it is full of various security update folders. The potential for damage if you take somebody else's C:\Windowsie7beta3 and install it on your own system to remove the beta is incalculable. On my system $NtUninstallKB915865$ and $NtUninstallKB904942$ were also created/updated." From reading this, it is my understanding that you can't use someone else's Uninstaller to remove your own? Am I reading this right? Also, a repair installation won't fix the issue either. You might be out of luck dude.
  3. Also, when you went into add/remove did you make sure the box at the top next to Show updates was ticked? You should then be able to find IE7 listed. If it isn't listed, then it might help to re-install it, but that didn't work with Beta2. It might work with Beta3...I don't know. If your uninstaller is in fact removed (and CC will remove it if you have "hotfix uninstallers" checked), and re-installing it doesn't work. Someone will need to upload the uninstaller file for you, as someone did for the IE7 Beta2 users. Good Luck! Tell us what happens and what you need. EDIT: Okay, I just found this: "Updating or Reinstalling Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 You cannot install Internet Explorer 7 over itself. If you want to reinstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 (or install a newer version) you must first remove any existing Internet Explorer 7 versions. " So that won't be an option. If IE7 does not appear in Add/Remove programs then someone definitely will need to upload the uninstaller for you. MS IE7 Beta 3 Release Notes Read the release notes. That is an expected problem, and the solution is listed.
  4. For starters, CCleaner has not been compatible with any of the IE7 Betas thus far. This has been a known issue for months now. Also, IE7 Beta3 was just released and CCleaner is most definitely not updated to even attempt to be compatible. You should ALWAYS make backups before using Beta software. Why can't you uninstall IE7 Beta3? Did you have the Hotfix Uninstaller checked in CCleaner? That's the only reason that I can think of that would make it not possible to uninstall it.
  5. RemoveWGA enables you to remove the Microsoft "Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications" tool. Also, Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications is different than Windows Genuine Advantage Validation. RemoveWGA only remove the notification part, phoning home, and does not touch the Validation part. Download at Firewall Leak Tester I'm not sure what MS thinks about this as they have not commented on it yet to my knowledge. MS offers this solution to remove the notifications which is not very user friendly. Just thought I'd share. I do suggest that any potential user read this thoroughly: "Known issues 1 - One user which had a particular patched "uxtheme.dll" (to allow applying custom WinXP themes) wasn't able to run the tool. I had only one report like this, moreover the patched DLLs (uxtheme.dll) I have tested do not conflict. Anyway just in case, there is version with the WinXP theme style support disabled : download 2 - If RemoveWGA is blocked/intercepted by another security application, it may prevent it to run completly fine until the end, and it may kill it. If a security application popups about RemoveWGA, you must allow it in order to remove the WGA notification part. 3 - The last WGA notification update KB905474, cannot be removed in a clean way, because it purposefully blocks the deletion of the WgaLogon.dll. Because of that, the only way is to force the WGA dll to unload from memory, prior deleting it. Doing so, it will crash your system (you should do a hard reboot before it happens). It is not a proper way thought, and you shouldn't do it if you haven't backups. If you prefer to not take any risk, Microsoft has published an article explaining how to remove the WGA notification PILOT (not the final release) manually : http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;921914 At a last resort, you can try to remove the NTFS 'execute' bit from system32\WgaLogon.dll, or boot on a BartPE CD and delete the dll."
  6. It might be. I'm still waiting for a reply on MS's Validation Forum.
  7. Something completely different, but it still required a validation. Why?
  8. Phew. Okay it validated for a different download. Now I wonder why Validation diagnostic tool didn't validate me. I'm posting on MS's Validation forum now.
  9. haha, if I click on my email account thru Messenger it automatically opens it in IE. I get email notifications from MS about new downloads. I went thru that link and it is Microsoft.com. I haven't tried the activeX validation method because it didn't give me the option, and I don't know how to make it give me the option. Could it possibly be because I changed some hardware today in my PC? Ah! My processor doesn't meet the requirements. I'll try another download and see if it works. Thanks for that Aaron.
  10. First of all! I do not use pirated software and I'm insulted that you implied that I do. If I was using pirated software I would not have posted this. This just happened for the first time about 15 minutes ago. I paid for my software! I have the receipts to prove it. Why did this just start happening today? I was using IE. I just ran the MGA (microsoft genuine advantage) diagnostics tool. I'm posting the result.
  11. So, I just tried to download Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile Update Beta. And this is what I got. What's going on with that? And how to I fix it?
  12. Hello and welcome. Can you provide a lot more information please? What OS are you using? What version of CCleaner are you using? How long ago did this happen? Why do you think this is due to CCleaner? Did you use the Issues cleaner, if so did you make a backup, ect..? Please provide as much information as possible, so that it is easier for people to help you.
  13. No, but you can run Windows Messenger and WLM and/or MSN messenger at the same time. That's what I do so that I can be logged in under multiple SN's at the same time. I'm guessing that is what you're trying to accomplish?
  14. Hello and welcome I'm not good with the entries, but I DO know that you should not be modifying the winapp.ini file. You should only make modifications to the winapp2.ini file. Also, it is always a good idea to post your entries so that an experienced person can tell you if it's good and whether or not you need to make changes before using the entries. Good Luck. K
  15. Actually you don't even need the IE Tab anymore for Updates. If you use FF on MS Update's Website, it will install a tool so that you can get your updates using FF too. I never touch IE anymore. LOL
  16. Glad you're doing okay. Welcome back. People call me K, Krit, or Kristin. LOL
  17. krit86lr

    WLM 8.0 is out!

    No, not all. That's your opinion.
  18. krit86lr

    WLM 8.0 is out!

    I do have Trillian. But like PS3 said, Triallian doesn't have any features and I use all of the features. Also, the programs are bloated, but I am using less than 30% of my disk space so it doesn't hurt me to use that actual versions.
  19. krit86lr

    WLM 8.0 is out!

    They did change a lot. I love this one. I have been using this since the first beta as well, and I love it. It's my favortie Messenger. I only use AIM, Yahoo, WLM, and Trillian. Out of all of them I like WLM the most.
  20. krit86lr


    If he installed Windows on E, and wants it on C...then he needs to reinstall? Hey, you could also change the letters. You could make C...E, and E...C. There are a few different things you could do in this situation actually. In, my opinion you should fix your CD before doing anything.
  21. krit86lr


    Could you clearify your situation? I'm not sure what it is that you need. You can get XP Floppy setup disks from MS's website if that's all that you're looking for. It takes 6 diskettes total, so have them ready. I'm not sure exactly what you did. Hope that helps.
  22. krit86lr


    Could you clearify your situation? I'm not sure what it is that you need. You can get XP Floppy setup disks from MS's website if that's all that you're looking for. It takes 6 diskettes total, so have them ready. I'm not sure exactly what you did. Hope that helps.
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