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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. krit86lr


    I don't know. It has to be from one of my home pages because that's all that's open. CCleaner LunarSoft Myspace TOP TAH The popups are like www.poker.com (that one I was able to block), and then the other 2 were Flash so I just closed them out. And NO! Nothing bad. Get your heads out of the gutter people.
  2. krit86lr


    Listen here gremlin muncher. TOP is the shadiest place I visit, and you know that. Now git!!!!
  3. krit86lr


    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I've gotten 3 popups today! What's going on? I scanned like crazy and everything came up clean. The popups are Flash so I can't use Adblock to block them. HEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! I'm so sad.
  4. haha, well I thought the whole story would be helpful so that someone would know how to help you. I don't have any idea what happened. I don't know why r-clicking on someone else's k made it pink. But, you won't lose your contacts by re-installing. That's all the help I can give on this subject so far. As for Tarun's suggestion...it's worth a shot.
  5. Could you include the order of events that occurred leading up to you losing your lower case k? LOL It could be helpful.
  6. E, you can't say that it's very stable if you haven't used it very much, and only used it on one machine. A few minutes of a program working fine on 1 machine does not constitute a stable program. It's obviously crashing on other systems, and therefore, is not stable. It's nice that it's working alright for you though.
  7. Wow. Our's looks totally different. What's that McAfee advisor RR?
  8. Cool thanks. I guess it's what you want. I don't care about customizing my toolbar too much, but I do care about having multiple home pages which FF, and IE 7 Beta 3 give me. I wish that Opera had that...then it would be my #2 again, and not #3. I guess that I should say something on topic now. I don't like the beta FF. It's hardly customizable, and have very few features so it makes browsing really annoying. I think I'm going to ditch it until it's stable, because I have a set way that I like and use FF. I can't browse the way that I like and am used to with the beta. But I'm sure that I'll love it when the stable version is released. FF FTW!
  9. Agreed. Sometimes FF gets buggy and has a hard time loading pages. At that time I use Opera, and there won't be any problems loading pages. But this has only happened twice. I actually uninstalled Opera today because I've only needed it twice, and I'm enjoying IE Beta 3. What does "load safe mode" mean?
  10. LOL, now someone needs to help LOTW fix his "k" key. (It's missing unless it's in caps. hehehehe)
  11. Yeah, you're fine. What kind of surfing are you doing that requires that much scanning? roflmao
  12. Well I don't get any, and I'm sure. About once a month now I scan with a minimum of 8 scanners, including online scanners, just to be sure and I always come up clean.
  13. You might be interested in this. Capabilities: 1) Installs multimedia codecs 2) Installs all Firefox plugins (java, flash, etc) (except Adobe reader and mplayer) 3) Installs RAR, ACE and UNRAR archive support 4) Installs skype 5) Installs Acrobat reader 7 and firefox plugin for the same. 6) Installs Gnomebaker (CD/DVD burning s/w for GNOME) 7) Installs gftp (FTP client for GNOME with ssh capability) 8) Installs Frostwire (GPL clone of Limewire) 9) Installs multimedia editors (Audacity (audio), Kino (video), EasyTag (ID3)) 10) Installs DVD (dvdrip) ripper 11) Installs Mplayer and mplayerplug-in version 3.05 for Firefox 12) Installs totem-xine, Realplayer, VLC and Beep Media Player (with docklet) 13) Installs Opera Browser 14) Installs Debian Menu (shows all installed applications) (this kills and restarts your gnome-panel without warning u but its a completely harmless operation!) 15) Installs Bittornado and Azureus (Bittorrent clients) 16) Installs Avidemux (Video editing tool) (New version 2.1.0) 17) Enables Numlock on (turns numlock on Gnome startup) 18) Installs Programming Tools (Anjuta (C/C++ IDE), Bluefish (HTML editor), Screem (Web Development Env.) and NVU (HTML editor)) 19) Install GnomePPP (Graphical Dial up connection tool) 20) Installs MS true type fonts 21) Configures ctrl-alt-del to start gnome-system-monitor (aka windows) 22) Installs Streamripper and Streamtuner 23) Installs NON-FREE audio and dvd codecs 24) Installs ndisgtk (WiFi configurator Graphical user interface) 25) Upgrades Open Office to 2.0 (final version), installs openoffice clipart and installs OO2 thumbnailer. 26) Adds 3 nautilus scripts (open any file with gedit as root; open a nautilus window as root in any folder; open gnome search tool in any folder (Right click in a nautilus window and look under "scripts") 27) Installs SUN'S JAVA JRE version 1.5 28) Installs SUN'S JAVA JDK version 1.5 29) Installs wine (u need to run winecfg manually after installation) 30) Enables ejection of CD when CDROM drive button is pressed. 31) Installs AMSN 0.95 (MSN client with webcam support) 32) Installs Mercury Messenger (Java based MSN client with webcam support) 33) Installs BUM (Boot-up Manager) 34) Installs DCPP (Linux DC++ client) 35) Installs sbackup (Backup and restoration solution) 36*) Installs firestarter (GNOME firewall frontend) and adds firestarter to GNOME startup 37*) installs gdesklets (GNOME eyecandy) and adds gdesklets to GNOME startup 38*) Gamepads (Makes USB gamepads work) 39*) Turns DMA ON on Intel and AMD machines (needs a restart) 40*) NVIDIA cards (Detects Nvidia cards and installs drivers) (Needs a restart) 41*) Adds midi capability to your Ubuntu box (test by playing a midi file with timidity or pmidi from terminal) 42*) Installs Firefox and its plugins(themes and extensions are not retained, bookmarks need to be copied from backup folder) 43*) Installs Mozilla-Thunderbird 1.5 (US-only version) (no support for non-US-english language packs and enigmail) 44*) Fixes Gnome sound related issues (ALSA and ESD config) (needs a restart) (ONLY FOR GNOME! NOT TO BE USED ON KDE/XFCE) The Ubutu Forum is really helpful btw.
  14. In case anyone is interested. "Three months ago, we had a chat with Novell Linux evangelist Andreas Girardet who waxed lyrical about his company's desktop product SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLED) version 10. This was to be the Windows killer, the desktop Linux to end all desktop Linux products, the one that would make 2006 the year of the Linux desktop. However, we were expecting it by the end of June and it seems to be a little late." iTWire "You can look for the final to be available in July." iTWire
  15. Are you referring to MS Support by phone? Or are you referring to the MS WGA forum? CCleaner does not affect the WGA Tool. Can you be more clear about what the problem is? If you have a valid copy of Windows, and you are not being validated there are few things that you can do. 1. First read this. Download and run that tool, and save the log somewhere easy, such as your desktop. 2. Next, post the log in the WGA Forums copy/paste it. Would you post the log here as well? I'm curious as to what it says, be sure to delete your Product Key information near the top of the log please. I am absolutely stunned that MS Support blamed CCleaner, although you haven't said what the problem is so that might clear things up a bit. I would like to add that no CCleaner users have noticed a conflict with the WGA Tool thus far.
  16. Well, you should be able to run CCleaner and still log on anywhere that you want to. 1. What version of CCleaner are you using? 2. Are you using XP Home or Professional? Do you have SP2? 3. What type of internet connection to you have? Dial-up, cable, etc...? Are you wired, or wireless?
  17. Yes. CCleaner will delete that if the "hotfix uninstaller" option if fixed.
  18. You can run Linux inside of Windows too, Humpty. So you can keep XP, and play with Linux too if you're into trying that out. I haven't tried to do that yet, but it's a neat idea. I love Ubutu. I just use the Live CD. Is there a difference from ordering it?
  19. The whole point of the HOSTS file, not the service being on or off...smart a$$
  20. Well...if he has the biggest brain then you shouldn't listen to him. A bigger brain does not equal intelligence. But he might be the most educated. That does equal intelligence. It is never suggested to disable the DNS Client, and manual/automatic will work as the same so either is fine. I can picture you going back and forth to this thread all day and continuously changing it. That's a funny thought. lmao Leave it alone! Auto is fine.
  21. w00t!!! w00t!!! for Friday night Well you know what Humpty? If you're happy with it then, rock on. It won't get you infected, and/or f*ck up your pc or anything.
  22. So you have it disabled, or stopped? There's a difference (which I'm sure that you know...didn't mean to insult).
  23. Sorry, but I've been dying to ask. What part don't you understand?
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