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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. I have used only version 5.7. I have wiped unused space with it a couple times and haven't noticed any problems after doing so.
  2. CeeCee

    Case fan

    I wonder why my rear case fan won't start up always, when i power on the computer? It usually starts to spin, but not always. It has been so, since i bought it. It starts to spin, if i help it a little. Front fan is exactly the same model and it works fine.
  3. Just wait for Opera 9.50 (Final)...
  4. That new GUI is pretty nice. Glad that otherwise it's the same. Edit: Database loads much faster, when you open SB.
  5. I like Mars bars, but Snickers is better.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOLRscTnceY It's a Guinness new world record.
  7. How about this: http://mozbackup.jasnapaka.com/
  8. I don't use it...but i might try it out some day.
  9. http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=TJaamzkP17w Is this the way how Italians see us Finns?
  10. In my opinion, real-time spyware "guards" are somewhat unnecessary. I think real-time AV and SpywareBlaster is enough.
  11. That's way too low, if you got XP (or Vista). 1Gb is just fine.
  12. Opera 9.26 released. This is also a recommened security update. Release Notes This release is a recommended security and stability upgrade. See the Security section for additional information. Changes Since Opera 9.25 Security Fixed an issue where simulated text inputs could trick users into uploading arbitrary files, as reported by Mozilla. See our advisory. Image properties can no longer be used to execute scripts, as reported by Max Leonov. See our advisory. Fixed an issue where the representation of DOM attribute values could allow cross site scripting, as reported by Arnaud.lb. See our advisory. Miscellaneous Fixed a stability issue found in Opera 9.0 to 9.25, when Opera connects securely to Windows Server 2008 or other servers supporting the TLS Certificate Status extension. Additional stability fixes.
  13. No need to lie; none. Expect one from my union, which i think they send to every member.
  14. There's a new update for SB. 130 new items.
  15. Mine is working pretty fine. What problems you got with your computer?
  16. CeeCee

    Registry fix

    When ever you uninstall (or install) programs.
  17. Reg file can open with Notepad by default. Mine is that way, but i got "Regedit" in 'Open With' menu.
  18. Check if there's "Regedit" in "Open With" menu?
  19. CeeCee

    Registry Issues

    That can create some invalid entries. There also can be entries of unused file extensions, if you have double clicked a file with extension, that has not registered to open with any application. An invalid entry will also occur, if you delete some single file, that have made an entry to MUIcache.
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