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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. CeeCee

    Ski Flying

    I think ski jumping is pretty exotic in US. Although there has been some (decent) ski jumpers from USA.
  2. CeeCee

    Ski Flying

    Oh, you live in Norway? Well you have a Finnish coach.
  3. CeeCee

    Ski Flying

    Ski jumping is big here in Finland.
  4. Don't know, but BAK files are backup files. Usually you don't need them.
  5. Authorities are considering charges in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years -- so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time the boyfriend finally called police. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/story?id=4440375
  6. This is good utility to close some pesky Windows ports: http://www.firewallleaktester.com/wwdc.htm NOTES: -Do not close NetBIOS, or you might lose your internet connection. Instead use this method. -Utility doesn't work with 9x.
  7. There should be separate buttons to apply/save changes you have made or cancel any made changes. Because if you check (or uncheck) any item by accident, it will be saved , when exit the program. So the exit/close is same as "save", which is not good. I don't like that. Atleast there should be one separate button to apply/save changes.
  8. Go to CCleaner program folder and open winapp.ini file. Then put semicolon ( ; ) to front of the item(s) you want to disable, like this: ;[Adobe Flash Player] ;LangSecRef=3023 ;Detect=HKCR\CLSID\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000} ;Default=True ;FileKey1=%appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player|*.*|RECURSE That way the item is easy to re-enable, when needed. (just remove semicolon)
  9. Can it be that your icon cache size is too small? Or maybe you just need to "refresh" it, by deleting iconcache.db file and rebooting. http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/windo...s-XP-Icon-Cache
  10. Don't use them then. Or maybe once a month or once every couple of months, just to be sure. There's no need to use spyware removal apps, if your system is found to be safe from them, and you don't suspect any infection. edit typo.
  11. CeeCee

    IE7Pro 2.1

    Ok. Thanks Andavari.
  12. CeeCee

    IE7Pro 2.1

    Is IE7Pro completely free? Is there any reason to install it, if you don't use IE much?
  13. It's from here somewhere: http://socwall.com/ My new one:
  14. Yes, i like it too. Better than the previous version.
  15. There's a new database update; 164 new items.
  16. CeeCee

    Watchdog logs?

    C:\WINDOWS\LogFiles\Watchdog. Are those .log files created by Watchdog safe to delete?
  17. CeeCee

    Case fan

    Well i changed the power adapter (PIN > molex), let see how it goes now. I have 2 of them , because i have 2 same fans. Front fan is connected to MB (PIN) and the rear to the power supply (with the adapter). Its just connected to some leftover molex connector hanging around. It's the only one available. I think it's a branch of the floppy drive molex. It's not with the screws. There's a ready place for the fan and it's mounted there.
  18. Torrents are the best, what it comes to downloading big files. eMule is great, because it finds many many files, that other P2P clients don't.
  19. CeeCee

    Case fan

    This is my fan (800rpm): http://www.scythe-usa.com/product/acc/002/sflex_detail.html It got Fluid Dynamic Bearing.
  20. so *peep* what. Torrents are the way to go and eMule.
  21. CeeCee

    Case fan

    Well, i try that on and off thing. That fan didn't come with the computer, i have bought it separately. It's strange, that it can start up fine for days and then some day it won't start along with the computer. It start to spin, if i push it a little.
  22. CeeCee

    Case fan

    It's not dusty.
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