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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. They (NG) have now made a correction: CORRECTION (January 4, 2008): An earlier version of this page implied that Finland is home to wild polar bears. However, the only polar bears in this northern European country are in captivity.
  2. CeeCee

    Registry edits

    I highly doubt it.
  3. When i posted that message, it didn't work for me either. I now disabled Ad Muncher to see it. I based my message to local afternoon paper news. After i now see the actual video, i have to make this correction: Video clip let's you understand, that there's wild polar bears in Finland, but actually we got them only in Ranua zoo.
  4. National Geographic says, that global warming is threatening polar bears in Finland. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...g-video-ap.html Actually, we don't got polar bears here in Finland!! In case you haven't noticed, i live in Finland.
  5. That's true. Most (avarage) users just hits the "Run" button, without furthermore knowledge (or interest). But in my opinion, i.e. cookies and browser cache are very important to delete, at least every once a while. And also... I can't understand, that Windows build-in cleanup utility let's you delete "Downloaded Program Files" by default... DPF are not temporary files, for example Java- and Flash ActiveX components. It wouldn't be nice to reinstall those components, after every time you have ran the cleanup utility.
  6. CeeCee

    Registry edits

    -Well, most likely they won't hurt, but it's still good to delete them. -Yes it is, if don't got any other Symantec or Norton products on your computer, where those registry entries could refer to. You should leave them alone, if you are not sure are they safe to delete. You can also make a backup of the key, just in case; Right click the key, that you're about to delete and select "Export". I bumped from time to time entries, referring to programs, that i have already removed. Registry cleaners are not able to locate all the invalid/unneeded entries.
  7. I personally don't prefer those type of "All in one packets". Unless they contain apps, that i really would use. They are quite good for "beginners", though.
  8. Yes, there's a problem with the font. It's bold, where it shouldn't be.
  9. I don't see a problem with CCleaner. Just drag the Windows/Applications window to be bigger. There's a slidebar visible, so it should be draggable. I see a difference in the Antispyware program; Option description font is no more bold.
  10. That's one freakin cool PC!!
  11. Hmmm... Maybe it's not an bad idea after all... You could take a backup CD, if you want to take the CD with you somewhere and not worry about, if it get lost.
  12. I have already offered that suggestion in my first message.
  13. What happens if you disable Themes service? Do what i said in my second message, but this time double click the 'Themes' service. Then change 'startup type' to "Disabled" and hit the STOP button. Finally hit OK to exit. After that Windows classic theme will show up. Check if the problem still occurs. To get XP blue theme back, change startup type to Automatic and hit the Start button and ok.
  14. Last thing i can think of is: Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\ folder, then find and delete file FNTCACHE.DAT. After that, restart your computer. That file will be re-created after reboot.
  15. Yes, those things can mess up the system pretty badly. But try that suggestion of mine in the earlier message.
  16. Is there a same problem with the 'Windows Classic' theme? Edit: You can also try this: From the Appearance tab click Effects and uncheck (if checked) font smoothing option. Hit ok and ok second time to exit.
  17. Try this: Go to Start>Run & type SERVICES.MSC. Hit OK. Find and highlight service 'Themes' and click "Restart the service" from the left side.
  18. I think it's a font problem. Your font, especially title bar font seems to be a rather big. Right click your desktop and select Properties, go to Appearance tab and click Advanced. You can change your font sizes there.
  19. Perfect Passwords - GRC's Ultra High Security Password Generator: https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm
  20. CeeCee


    I was about to say the same thing in my earlier message. If you think a little, setting the value to 5 makes no sense, since there's only values 0-3 to play with. I don't think, that Windows really recognize values above that.
  21. Why make a backup of an audio CD?
  22. CeeCee


    I agree, especially those prefetch registry "tweaks". They don't do a s*it. I have tried those tweaks back in the day, but ended up to disabling prefetching completely. Benefit of prefetching is really minimal (IMO). Same applies to connection optimizers also. I tried some "optimizer" with my previous 98SE machine and connection came terrible slow. This is also just my opinion, basing to my own experiences.
  23. CeeCee

    Santa's Gifts

    Various (small) stuff, nothing that special. Also some money from my aunts. It's ok, i didn't wish for anything particular.
  24. Just make your browser window a little bit smaller, so that the desktop is visible. Then drag the tab to desktop.
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