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Mike Rochip

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Everything posted by Mike Rochip

  1. On my pc there is an option in the Bios that says boot num-lock. It was under Advanced CMOS Settings in the advanced section.
  2. I had similar thing happen. The pointer froze wherever it was on the screen. The problem was with the video card. If you have an invidia graphics card you have to roll back the driver to version 78_01.
  3. Mike Rochip


    I haven't laughed this hard in a while...
  4. I found this info about the xerox folder: "The Xerox WIA driver for Microsoft? Windows XP? provides users with a method to quickly scan jobs at their Xerox multifunction devices and retrieve the images at their PC desktop. The WIA driver enables scanning without the use of a scan server. For system administrators familiar with the creation of scan templates via CentreWare Internet Services, the WIA driver automatically creates a scan template on the Xerox device that points to a folder on the Windows XP workstation. Note: Use the WIA driver for basic scan to file only. To perform more advanced scanning functions, use other Xerox scanning solutions, such as CentreWare Network Scanning Services, Flowport, and CentreWare Internet Services." The PDF document is here. It also explains the drivers related to it. My biggest gripe is when you click on the more info link in an Events Viewer error message the Help and Support page says we cuurently have no information regarding this error or something to that effect. I figure this really means: We forgot we created both the problem and the error message. We're lying. We don't like you and we don't have to. That's for us to know and you to find out (which you never will). This error message refers to a problem that is really, really bad so we don't people knowing what it is. (bad Jack Nicholson impersonation) The error? You can't handle the error! We're ignoring you. Go away.
  5. Thanks ! Nice of you to say. Sorry I didn't see your post yesterday. I've been hiding from the Crepe Crusader.
  6. Are you sure it didn't say Alfred, Bruce Wayne's butler? heh heh butler. That word never sounded funny till now. but-ler heh heh. One has to wonder about the life size Batman poster. He looks like he's asleep but I guess he's not because he's not upside down. Mike Rochip tried to find a life size poster of Lara Croft but no one knows what life size is in her case. Q: What's the best way to know when we've entered the End Times? A: EVERYONE is wearing vinyl catsuits. At least I'll finally get to wear mine outdoors. The End Times is a high price to pay but I really want to wear it.
  7. Not wearing a kilt is the only thing Lara and I have in common. You've seen my sister. Every time she wears a dress people think it's me in drag. The easiest way to tell us apart is my beard is little thicker than her's. And yet lokoike still keeps hitting on her.
  8. Actually that was me. Years ago I had an extension cord that wouldn't hold onto plugs very well. I noticed the contacts in the cord had bowed out. I figured squeezing the end of the cord would push them back into place. Rather than getting a pair of pliers I used my teeth. Now I understand why most people would use a tool of some kind and why everyone else in the world besides me wouldn't use their mouth. I got shocked pretty good and I wondered if that's what electroshock therapy felt like. Ironically since only an insane person would put a 120V AC 20 Amp 60hz power source into their mouth my parents made me see a psychologist. He quickly figured out I was insane and he prescribed of all things electroshock therapy (of course). Even more ironically about the only thing the electroshock therapist said during the entire session was: "Don't try this at home." After the sessions ended I really missed the electroshock part. I couldn't find anyone who would prescribe electroshock therapy anymore. I finally figured out there is a modern version. Now when I feel the need I annoy police officers until they use their tasers on me. Most times that works really well. One time it didn't go so well but on the bright side at least I got see my name in the local paper. 20,000 Volts and counting. When lokoike found out about me biting the extension cord he said my reasoning was sound but I made a technical mistake in the procedure. He said it's much more effective if it's done in a bathtub full of water.
  9. You're not the only one. If I would have been willing to wear a kilt I'd be Lara Croft... Wait till my evil nemesis finds out. I think we all know who that is.
  10. The Ignorance is Bliss theory as applied to malware Malware likes this theory If ignorance is bliss I should be a whole happier
  11. The Amazing Spider-Man 88% Lara Croft 75% Batman, the Dark Knight 75% The Terminator 75% Maximus 67% James Bond, Agent 007 63% Captain Jack Sparrow 63% El Zorro 58% Indiana Jones 54% Neo, the "One 46% William Wallace 46%
  12. Even though it's a little slow on dialup I like it because it works with Firefox, found cookies other scanners didn't, and in fact is actually browser independent once installed. Thanks hazelnut !
  13. That's one of the many great things about this forum; people who are willing to share their knowledge and advice, including what's been learned by making mistakes . I learn only by making mistakes, I've made so many that now I think I know everything, but then lokoike told me I was wrong. My mistake .
  14. It's wierd how different PC setups react so differently to the TrendMicro app. For some reason it just won't run on my PC if I have AdAware, but AdAware never found anything other than cookies on my PC which CCleaner takes care of anyway. Patient, not so much. Financially challenged would be more accurate!
  15. Yes I'm using SP2 (it actually saved this old PC ) Active X or Java both work with IE, Java only works with Mozilla Firefox. They seem to work equally well so it's your choice ! I'm running the Ewido micro scan now and it seems to be running well although the definitions file took awhile on my sad dialup connection... Forgot to mention don't be alarmed by the 3 1/2 or 4 1/2 DAY estimates the timeline on TrendMicro gives at first, they go down quickly!
  16. I think that the mini version is the one she is referring to. I haven't tried it yet but I will soon. Also, if you are brave and patient you may want to try this link Trend Micro Virus Scan. You have to disable Adblock and in my case I had to remove AdAware SE Personal. If it works for you on your first try you may like it, if it doesn't don't spend a lot of time on it because a lot of users here feel it is too problematic. In its defense, it works well on my PC and finds malware other scanners don't. Also, they appear to have recently made improvements to it and it works better than it used to. Good luck with whatever you choose and let us know what you think .
  17. So with one click of the mouse JohnDemolition makes MikeRochip and lokoike look like idiots ! Easier done than said!
  18. Probably a dumb question but have you run Issues analyzer in CCleaner? Perhaps it's a shortcut that points nowhere now. I'm sure Lokoike will post the real solution soon.
  19. It has been documented that occasionally morons and great minds think alike . Geez that sounds moronic...
  20. One of my favorites from TV: "For Mature Audiences Only" Usually means a lot of unneccessary swear words, gratuitous violence, an infantile plot, and actors/actresses that are obnoxious with little or no talent. I didn't mention gratuitous sex because I didn't want to get made fun of for being anti-American.
  21. I can give you the short answers, if you need more info I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will reply. You need it if you are trying to run an application that requires it. The application should alert you if you do. I think paint.net is an app that does. You can see if you have it by looking in Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. You can download it directly from MS here. Also, it should appear under Optional Software when you run Windows Update. MS has a pretty good FAQ here. Personally, I had problems with paint.net and .NET Framework and ended up uninstalling both. You should probably only download it if you are sure you need it. Hope this helps . Sorry Lokoike, I guess we replied at about the same time. You are the more knowledgeable person I was thinking of .
  22. These are from wackywarnings.com: A label on a baby stroller warns: ?Remove child before folding" A brass fishing lure with a three-pronged hook on the end warns: ?Harmful if swallowed" A popular scooter for children warns: "This product moves when used." A nine- by three-inch bag of air used as packing material cautions: "Do not use this product as a toy, pillow, or flotation device." A flushable toilet brush warns: "Do not use for personal hygiene." The label on an electric hand blender promoted for use in "blending, whipping, chopping and dicing," warns: "Never remove food or other items from the blades while the product is operating." A digital thermometer that can be used to take a person's temperature several different ways warns: "Once used rectally, the thermometer should not be used orally." A household iron warns users: ?Never iron clothes while they are being worn? A label on a hair dryer reads, ?Never use hair dryer while sleeping? The label on a bottle of drain cleaner warns: ?If you do not understand, or cannot read, all directions, cautions and warnings, do not use this product.? A smoke detector warns: ?Do not use the Silence Feature in emergency situations. It will not extinguish a fire.? A massage chair warns: ?DO NOT use massage chair without clothing... and, Never force any body part into the backrest area while the rollers are moving.? A cardboard car sunshield that keeps sun off the dashboard warns, ?Do not drive with sunshield in place? An ?Aim-n-Flame? fireplace lighter cautions, ?Do not use near fire, flame or sparks? A label on a hand-held massager advises consumers not to use ?while sleeping or unconscious? A 12-inch rack for storing compact disks warns: ?Do not use as a ladder.? A can of self-defense pepper spray warns users: ?May irritate eyes? A snowblower warns: ?Do not use snowthrower on roof.? A dishwasher carries this warning: ?Do not allow children to play in the dishwasher.? A box of birthday cake candles says: ?DO NOT use soft wax as ear plugs or for any other function that involves insertion into a body cavity.?
  23. On a Dumpster where I used to work: "Do Not Occupy This Dumpster" Perhaps it feared being attacked by Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld... One post down, 500 to go!
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