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Mike Rochip

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Everything posted by Mike Rochip

  1. Didn't know about HijackThis back then, or CCleaner either. Wish I did, they sure make computing life a whole lot easier (and safer)!
  2. I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, if not I apologize. I deleted all aspects of AOL from my Mom's computer some time ago and the only remnant was a reference to AOL in the title bar at the very top of the screen. I finally found that what was causing it was a line in the registry. If that seems to be what you're describing, let me know and I will try to find the exact area of the registry that caused the problem.
  3. I think it must be 120V AC since he is vibrating. If it was DC he would be glowing. My electroshock therapist proved it to me, unfortunately.
  4. LOL! Thanks, I needed that... EDIT: The laugh, not electroshock therapy. EDIT2: OK, Both.
  5. Have you tried downloading your avatar again to get the animated version?
  6. Hopefully this is the file you need driverguide.com although they are listing it as for model 755c.
  7. I completely agree. I have read many times that RegSeeker is overly aggressive and repairing a damaged or corrupted registry is one of the most frustrating and time consuming endeavors imaginable for a PC owner. The rule of thumb I would use in deciding whether or not to use RegSeeker would be is it worth ending up having to reformat the hard drive and reinstall the OS. Of course I am speaking as someone who is not very knowledgeable about the registry. For an expert user I imagine RegSeeker is a very useful and productive application. CCleaner seems by far the best program for people like me.
  8. This was on Jay Leno a while ago, I laugh every time I read it. Till it hurts.
  9. ATOYOTA is the same whether you read it from left to right OR right to left. It is also the same in a mirror image.
  10. In Control Panel there is a setting in Internet Options that could cause this. After opening Internet Options click on tne Advanced Tab and there will be a checklist. There is a checkbox for 'play animations in Web pages' in the Multimedia checklist about halfway down. Hopefully that will fix the problem.
  11. It's good therapy. 1) Nothing else to do 2) If concepts such as Titanic Collides with Iceberg Lettuce stay in my brain they ferment and become worse. 3) Same is true of bad jokes Allow me to demonstrate- "Consumer Reports recently found new information regarding their Iceberg Lettuce Versus Soylent Green North Atlantic Ocean Freshness Comparison that casts serious doubts on the results that were obtained. It now appears that the observed brown discoloration and wilting of the Iceberg Lettuce was caused not by environmental factors but instead was a direct result of the Titanic crashing into it." What kind of attire is worn by Trojan Horses, Spies, Worms, and Bugs on the rare occasions when they leave your PC to spend a day at the indoor shopping center? Mallwear
  12. I believe the blue color indicates that they have been compressed. Most likely large files that are seldom if ever used.
  13. I thought I was scared when I thought it was Cannibal Week. George W Bush = He Grew Bogus Tony Blair = Liar By Ton You might have mentioned anagrams are psychic and can predict the future ! Paranormal aspects aside, looks like a fun site. Thanks!
  14. NEWLY DISCOVERED NY TIMES HEADLINE LENDS SUPPORT TO LETTUCE THEORY lokoike says "I knew it all along. Lettuce is the only plausible explanation." Not yet convinced, Mike Rochip stands by radical (and icky) "IT'S PEOPLE!!!" theory; claims kobrakommander56 set to conduct tests to prove it once and for all when and if a new batch of Soylent Green becomes available. "Iceberg Lettuce? How convenient. I think not. I firmly believe it's Soylent Green (IT'S PEOPLE!!!) because of an article I read recently from 1973. According to Consumer Reports they tested both Iceberg Lettuce and Soylent Green (IT'S PEOPLE!!!) in a side by side comparison in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. The lettuce turned brown and wilted within in a few hours whereas SG stayed fresh for 9 years." According to kobrakommander56 Soylent Green is becoming very hard to find: "Unfortunately, Charlton Heston had the only known recipe. It's been thought for a long time the Goverment has a copy, but it refuses to make it available. They won't even admit that they have one. Dam dirty apes." Rochip did admit however, that if it really did turn out to be Iceberg Lettuce after all: "The irony of the name Iceberg Lettuce would be really cool. And crisp. And leafy." End User License Agreement:
  15. I agree with everything except giving the child the finger. That's bad etiquette.
  16. The people who planted the finger in Wendy's chile were recently sentenced for fraud. Why do cannibals make the best fast food customers? Because if they get a finger in their food they don't complain. sorry
  17. I would have never thought of the equality of safety issue, that's a very good point and makes sense. I wonder if a better equipped soldier would be assigned more dangerous duty, which would probably lessen or eliminate any advantage better armor would provide. Thanks for the info, very interesting.
  18. I usually try to post items that are humorous or that deal with PCs, but I read this last night and I couldn't believe this could be happening. I'm not sure if this post is "political" or not and normally I wouldn't post something political because people have strong opinions and sometimes the discussion can become heated. This article describes an Army directive that states soldiers are forbidden to wear body armor they purchased or that friends or relatives have purchased and sent to them. It also describes the severe consequences if they do. Truthout.org
  19. From the Jay Leno repeat tonight in "Headlines:" This one is from a menu from the Sweet Temptations restaurant: It's not just the UK: (WARNING- True story, short article, but a little graphic) Washingtontimes.com
  20. EW! Last week Jerry's closing monologue on Seinfeld was about cannibalism. Tonight's the Drew Carey Show's sublot was Lewis accidentally eating a human liver Oswald had put in Drew's refridgerator. I was hoping it wasn't Cannibal Week, now I'm hoping it's not Cannibal Month.
  21. An article about man-made blinking bacteria and other interesting and/or scary stuff was on the NY Times website today. NY Times
  22. Times UK From the same website, differents story: "Until the creation of chat rooms, it was statistically almost impossible for a cannibal to meet a willing victim." UK Times And finally, science tried to disprove my Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Joke. LiveScience.com Is it Cannibal Week or something?
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