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Mike Rochip

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Everything posted by Mike Rochip

  1. I found this forum where one of the posters estimates it cost 20 to 30 thousand dollars. What if we get a whole lot of people to pitch in and we all share? Since it's my idea I think it's only fair if: We keep the plane at my house OR I get to fly it first The advantage if I fly it first is that then there would be enough pieces for everyone to keep at their house.
  2. There is yet another way to look at it. My taste in music being what it is (he said while secretly thanking God that posting in the Fav Bands and Music thread is not mandatory) it would be detrimental to some artists (performers? hacks?) if I didn't share. a] I buy the CD b] No-one else in the universe even considers buying the CD c] I offer to make copies for my friends d] They all say "NO!" e] I offer to make copies for my enemies (which now includes everyone referred to in C) f] They all say "NO!" g] Using the 'captive audience' theory: I play the CD while they're in the car. They jump out. I play the CD while they're in my house. They run away. I play the CD while they're inside a locked jail cell. They tear their own ears off. That doesn't work because the part of the ear that actually hears things is inside their head. h] They finally agree to take a copy of the CD if I promise never to play it where anyone or any thing may inadvertantly hear it. i] I agree, knowing full well that they will hear it again in Hell because that is what Hell is for. How does this benefit the artist? Name recognition. When someone asks "What is the worst CD you ever heard in your life?" or "Where did your ears go?" or "You've been to Hell? What was the worst part?" the artist will be mentioned.
  3. No-one has mentioned the increased performance...
  4. A man is suing Apple apparently because his iPod may damage his hearing sometime in the future. Or not. "Patterson does not know if the device has damaged his hearing, said his attorney, Steve W. Berman, of Seattle. But that's beside the point of the lawsuit, which takes issue with the potential the iPod has to cause irreparable hearing loss, Berman said." I have a theory. In his particular case the iPod just seems too loud because of the constant echoing inside his empty skull where normally there would be a brain. CNN.com After filing the lawsuit he went to eat lunch at a McDonalds. They forced him to eat Big Macs, fries, and a milk shake. Now he fears that sometime in the future he may get fat. Or not.
  5. Beware of e-mails from "members" of eBay, I've received two recently and another one some time ago. They look somewhat realistic and the same thing is happening using PayPal as well.
  6. What are you guys talking about?!? All the posts are in hallucinogenic colors...
  7. I SO win the perspective debate!
  8. I agree with rridgely, the interface is horrible. Even with a minimal number of features displayed, it takes up way too much room on the display. On my PC it was a lot slower than Firefox, or any other browser for that matter. The most common comments about IE 7 Beta 2 Preview seem to be that "maybe they'll (fix) (add) (improve) (remove) this (issue) (bug) (oversight) before the final release." Like Lokoike said, why bother when there's Firefox?
  9. Link to PC World blog on IE7 discussing pros and cons (seems like more cons than pros) with a link to the Internet Explorer site to download a copy. Quote from the site: "Developers and IT pros: Download and evaluate the Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview — and explore the improvements in security, user interface, and development platform." It is available to everyone. PC World (via Google News) It is an 11.28 meg download preceeded by a Flash movie.
  10. My "respects" for Mr. Greenspan would never be allowed in a family friendly site such as this.
  11. Hmmm... Your quote got me thinking. I figured if your crap technology is as advanced as you say, maybe you guys would have a similar item I've been looking for. Sure enough, did a search, and there it was, exactly what I've been hoping to find ! Luckily I read it more carefully and saw it wasn't exactly what I wanted, I'd much prefer empty ones . Maybe I shouldn't be so picky and settle for these anyway . I think eBay's translation muddled things up a bit: I know when I try to translate English to English it all sounds like French (NO!! I MEANT GREEK!) to me. <<French is one of the words that triggers the Bush/Cheney/NSA ElectroCyberSquad into action>> Anyway you guys may have excelled in crap technology but WE invented CCleaner! LONDON?!? Oh bloody 'ell
  12. I found another photo from a different perspective: Obviously, you were right. I'm guessing the photographer was using a strong telephoto lens from some distance away. Looking at the first photo though still seems like a bizarre optical illusion to me. Of course, in my case most things do . There are quite a few other photos of the damage done by the same storm which show the incredible damage it caused, including a car that hydroplaned into a tractor-trailer that has to be seen to be believed. stevequayle.com
  13. I ran Belarc Advisor the other day to verify that my computer is indeed a piece of cr_p (PC Pitstop was right) but in doing so I noticed it has a very helpful feature. It indicated that Windows Update KB902400 was corrupted. Microsoft Help basically said to rerun Windows Update but it showed KB902400 was already installed. I was kind of wary of uninstalling the update so I finally found the manual update site and reloaded it from there. Since KB902400 is designated as a critical high priority update I was glad Belarc flagged it or I would have probably never known it was corrupted. I used to use Microsoft's MBSA program to verify updates but it was causing anti-virus scans to take forever so I removed it. Belarc Advisor is a great freeware app IMHO.
  14. This picture is making my brain hurt ! My question is: Is that a full size truck in the foreground? If you zoom in it looks like a real truck but I'm not positive. If it is, then it would appear the 2 people in the background would have to be about 12 feet tall. The thumbnail links to a larger image. Also, I honestly believed that the Spirit of Titanic Snow Globe had to be the tackiest thing imaginable. I had seen it on eBay and thought it must be the tackiest thing in the world if not the universe. Wrong! It's not even the tackiest thing on eBay. Not even close. In fact, it's not even the tackiest thing the seller below is offering. I thought it couldn't get any worse but then I noticed the counter at the bottom of the page which seems to indicate that I'm the only person in the world looking at it! I have to go now so I can find a thesaurus to look up another word for 'tackiest' so next time I won't have to use it six thousand times in one posting. eBay.com
  15. I'm glad things worked out well and appreciate you letting me know . Thanks!
  16. I thought Google was our friend There was an article about search engines and privacy in the NY Times yesterday. I posted the link in the Windows Security forum. In the article there's links to Wired.com and searchenginewatch.com for more info and advice. The links in the article are for the home pages of the websites. The info was kind of hard to find so I included links directly to the web pages the article refers to in my post.
  17. The New York Times had an article about this subject yesterday: The Crumbs You Leave Behind The links in the article are for websites, the links below go directly to the pages with the info: There's a pretty good FAQ with info and suggestions regarding search engines at Wired.com: How to Avoid Search Engine Snoops And an excellent one at searchenginewatch.com: Protecting Your Search Engine Piracy: A Flowchart To Tracks You Leave Behind
  18. Have you tried the new Beta release? CCleaner v1.27 Beta I just tried it and it works really well. You may want to post a HijackThis log to check for any issues. HijackThis Instructions Hope this helps . PS- Welcome to the forum!
  19. Nice theme. Thanks for the link!
  20. I was wondering about the copyright issue, you would think it wouldn't matter too much but then again I wouldn't have imagined the RIAA suing grandmothers and children, either. I'll include an excerpt or summary and then a link to the original material from now on. Thanks you guys for the input.
  21. If you Google NSA Echelon you will find quite a bit of info from various sources. You will also see references to the 300 words that causes the NSA to look at a website inluding speedbump, basement, Bob, replay, etc. although there is no indication where the list comes from so I would be suspicious about its relevance or accuracy. Of course if you do Google NSA Echelon or read the three hundred words the Big Brother Lokoike Tracking and Elimination System will be activated .
  22. A humorous editorial concerning Big Brother's interest in online searches. Truthout.org And a cartoon about the NSA wiretapping. ucomics.com
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