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Mike Rochip

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Everything posted by Mike Rochip

  1. Yes, but it's an unrequited love. This is the true meaning of love: This is why! Wrong! I OWN the very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very bottom of the list! The Corvette Z06 is the poor man's Ford GT much as the Yugo is the poor man's Gremlin X.
  2. Thanks Humpty, I tried that and when WMP opens there's an error message that says WMP can not play the file. I think that maybe the hosts file is blocking something needed to access the video but so far I haven't been able to find it.
  3. Bad things can happen to people who don't share their Doritos!
  4. Hello and welcome to the forum! CCleaner can take quite a long time to run the first time you use it because there may be a ton of junk on your PC. It found about 700MB on mine the first time I ran it. I also had to run the issues scan quite a few times. How long has it been scanning your PC before you cancel it? Also, don't check the hotfix uninstaller under the Advanced section on the cleaner tab. there may be a bug in that option which has caused problems for some people.
  5. What did R2D2 have to do when his usual route to work is blocked? R2Dtour. How did Captain Picard order Giordi Laforge to fix the Singer stitching machine? Make it sew. In the original Star Trek series the cast and crew began to think that the actor portraying the ships doctor was an imposter. But he wasn't. He was the real McCoy. What does Paul Bunyan wear when it's cold outside? His lumberjacket. Does Big Ben ever get ticked off? If he's still hungry after the first serving does he ask for seconds? One time he got the hour hand and the minute hand to race each other. It ended up in an exact tie. More and more people started to complain about the races because they made it impossible to tell what time it is really was. All the questions started to really stress Big Ben out and he became more and more wound up. When asked about what he intended to do about the situation Big Ben replied: "Sorry, I can't do anything about it. My hands are tied." One time I thought I had a foolproof plan to achieve a little fame and fortune. I would teach my dog to retrieve things from farther and farther away. But my idea never did work out. It was too far fetched. What do you call a church on an aircraft carrier? A house of warship.
  6. Which country? Knowing lokoike it's France.. DISCLAIMER I mean no offense to the French. Just lokoike.
  7. I read an article that said AOL would be offering high speed internet access for the same price as dial-up . Then it said they would accomplish this by increasing the price of dial-up . Sorry, I missed it. (Or maybe my dial-up connection is still downloading it ) ?S?!
  8. You're right! I had a '69 Mustang coupe with a 351W 4bbl that was unbelievable. My friend had a '69 Mach I with a 390 4bbl 4-speed that was more unbelievable! I like big cars but you're right about high performance small cars. Plus the sleeper aspect adds to the fun too ! I forgot to mention how my brother's Gremlin more than lived up to its name. It caught fire and was destroyed while he was in a convenience store . Found on eBay The best performance lokoike has achieved with his Yugo was when it started. Once. When it was new. Brand new.
  9. Dude, that picture is great! I laughed so hard I coughed up my spleen! At least I hope it was my spleen... Mike is hoping Toyota develops a car that improves the driver's sense of humor. Mike will then drive thousands of miles in the fervent hope this will improve his sense of humor until he is funnier than lokoike. Otherwise, it will never happen.
  10. "Removed by Mike Rochip"
  11. I would like to remind people that the most serious breach of forum ettiquette is questioning or criticizing another member's IP or the speed of their internet access ! Mike knows this is actually NOT considered a breach of ettiquette, but he lives in constant fear that Andavari will get a DSL or broadband connection leaving Mike the only one on the forum (and most likely the world) with dial-up. I AM PROUD OF MY DIAL-UP CONNECTION! No I'm not.
  12. I would think so, but isn't an iPod ordinary audio hardware? Apple doesn't even want people to think about putting other company's software on their stuff !
  13. "Removed by Mike Rochip"
  14. My dad once had a red Gremlin X with the really cool stripe on the side . I think it was a '74. It had a 304 and a 3 speed auto. After a while he gave it to my older brother. My brother asked me to help him take it to his house. I drove the Gremlin while he followed me in his car. He had told me to floor it when he flashed his lights so he could see if there was any smoke from the tailpipe or anything like that. We were going about 40mph when he flashed his lights. Obligingly, I floored it. The back tires broke loose, the car fishtailed a little, and took off. I was pushed so far into the seat my arms were stretched full length (I'm 6 foot tall). It seemed like a second before the car was approaching 80mph! I've owned some really fast cars, but I will never forget the night that little Gremlin surprised (and scared) the you know what out of me ! Gremlin1 Gremlin 2 Lokoike is almost done restoring his Yugo!
  15. Mike Rochip


    Help! I can't play embedded videos with any browser. I have reinstalled WMP10 and updated it. The only browser that even attempts to work is Firefox, which plays the sound but no video other than the annoying MS dancing boxes. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! WinXP SP2 ZA Home SpywareBlaster Firefox Opera IE7 Beta Dr. Orca
  16. This is from the Dew Carey Show. i don't remember it exactly so I'm paraphrasing- Somebody was telling Drew they hate their job. "So you hate you job, huh? There's a support group for that. It's called Everybody. It meets at the bar every night." An observation of something kind of odd: The ladies in the Dove soap commercials are full figured, while the ones in the Dove chocolate commercials are thin.
  17. Google Wins Ruling on Turning Over Search Queries to Government March 18 (Bloomberg) -- Google Inc. won a partial victory in a battle with the government when a federal judge ruled yesterday that the company didn't have to turn over customer search queries to the U.S. Justice Department. U.S. District Judge James Ware in San Jose, California, refused to make Google, the most-used Internet search engine, give the agency 5,000 search queries as part of an effort to defend a law aimed at keeping children from accessing Internet pornography. Ware did rule Google had to comply with the U.S. demand for 50,000 Web addresses from its index of Web sites. Bloomberg.com
  18. Edited: Removed incorrect info, see following post by UncleDoug for fix.
  19. Due to an unfortunate mishap, possibly caused by the ekiokol worm, the following post was "lost." I was able to retrieve it and have posted it here as a favor to my friend and mentor, lokoike. No need to thank me lokoike, I'm sure you would do the same for me. And I know you will...
  20. Thanks for the warning! Phishing sites become more realistic looking every day. PayPal and eBay have been targeted a lot recently. One of the few really useful features if IE 7 Beta is the anti-phishing feature which I have seen in action. This surprised me because I used IE 7 very little since Firefox is my browser of choice.
  21. Geeks Run Windows on Mac Two Californians win over $13,000 after getting Microsoft?s operating system to run on an Apple machine. March 16, 2006 Two computer geeks in California won a much-publicized online contest by making the Windows operating system run on Apple?s Intel-powered Macintosh computers, gaining them more than $13,000 in prize money and fans among users who want to use Apple hardware with Microsoft software. redherring.com And to think I was impressed when I got Windows to run on my PC...
  22. Mike Rochip


    I'm surprised you thought we were the same person. I took it as a compliment and lokoike took it as an insult ! Rochip's alter ego Spiderman owns lokoike's Batman. Batman's only claim of "strength" is his fearless ability to wear a cape in public even though every living organism in the universe laughs uproariously every time they see it. (Amoebas are currently struggling to evolve to the point where they can laugh so as to join in on the hilarity.)
  23. I used Limewire for a long time and really liked it but a while ago I upgraded or reinstalled it (can't remember which) and also got a bad dose of malware which was rather hard to completely remove. I've been using SoulSeek which doesn't have the best user interface but it does work very well and no malware.
  24. Mike Rochip


    That's why I thought it was so funny, it's the perfect explanation and I never thought of it. I have both XP and Win98 on my PC and: I have to use my XP installation CD just to get to the dual boot screen. I download the latest Windows Defender signature update and WinUpdate says it downloaded and installed but there's an error message in Event Viewer that says it didn't. Internet Explorer apparently flips a coin to decide if the old version or the new beta version appears when I need it. The Quick Launch Toolbar disappears randomly even though the toolbars are locked. If I add a card to a PCI slot I have to experiment by rearranging all the PCI cards to find the exact right combination where XP will realize they are all there AND not have IRQ conflicts between them. The other reason I laughed is because I figure if XP commits suicide it will take me with it. I didn't mean anything bad by my comment and I'm sorry if it seemed that way.
  25. According to this thread at computeractive.co.uk it seems to be occuring with nvidia's GeForce series when using 81.xx graphic card drivers which is what I have. gtquan's problem doesn't have the same symptoms I was having but I thought I'd mention it just in case it might help.
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