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Mike Rochip

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Everything posted by Mike Rochip

  1. Target, yes the store, has one of the most advanced crime labs in the country. Anderson Cooper 360 blog
  2. I like crystalXP. I guess it's now called crystal dlb. The colors are nice and it takes up less room on my display than any other theme I've tried. crystalXP.net download page
  3. OMG, those were really, really bad. What kind of socks do pirates wear? Arrgghyle. Which pirate was always getting little pieces of the boat stuck in him? Long John Sliver.
  4. Mike Rochip


    What kind of antivirus do pirates use? Avast ye maties!
  5. Other scientists are of the opinion that it's not the speed of light being slowed but the transmission of light that is being slowed. My brain hurts.
  6. The italics lokoike is way funnier than the regular typeface Mike Rochip ! "dancing around the room with glee" "lokoike has wet himself (again)" Mike Rochip has wet himself (1st time) Italics Rochip Beta 1 currently under developement. Copyright issues under investigation. Release date postponed indefinately.
  7. I just read this thread today so forgive me for referring to posts that are kind of old. Destroying time? No-one mentioned biological clocks or sundials. The speed of light? You can ride a bicycle faster than the speed of light. How? Destroying a hard drive? Lokoike was on the right track but didn't quite hit it on the head. Overwrite all the data with Celine Dion songs and the person trying to read it will completely destroy it for you !
  8. I looked up the Lavasoft rootkit revealer, it is apparently only for the Sony DRM which hopefuly only exists in H*ll now...
  9. Is it possible the contacts in the sound card receptacle where you plug in your audio cable are dirty or bent? You could remove the sound card (computer off) and use a flashlight to look into the receptacle. If the cable got stretched or pulled somehow it may have bent the contacts. If so you may be able to bend them back with a pin or dental pick or something similar. Also, have you checked the audio cable itself?
  10. Originally, the Internet was free. I guess technically it still is. We are actually paying for access. It was created when universities and the military created a network of interconnected computers to facilitate the sharing of info and to allow groups of people to easily work together on various projects, which if I remember was really nothing more than an early form of electronic mail (Email). Then of course some evil genius figured out that something so cool had no reason to be free.
  11. Actually, there are a lot of good songs too. And probably songs you forgot about that you like and haven't heard in ages. The catch is you have to download a whole show to get a single song. But that shouldn't be a problem for you snot-nosed, holier-than-thou, ooo look at me I'm so much better than you broadband types. Not that I'm jealous of people with broadband. I CHOOSE to have dial-up. Oh shut up, I AM NOT crying. A small bird flew into my eye. Crap_Past_rt.zip Crap_Past_rt.zip
  12. Another article on the subject from news.yahoo.com.
  13. How quickly you forget! Since the part of their ears that actually hear is still INSIDE their head, as I mentioned I no longer have friends, only enemies. If you want to read about some really, I MEAN REALLY!, scary music click here. This is a great website but is kind of difficult to navigate. (It is DOS based!) It is a gold mine of crappy/bizarre/insane/life-alteringly horrible/unexplainable/anti-matter/otherworld music you have to hear to believe. The cool thing about this site is you are allowed to in fact encouraged to download stuff. There are a lot of famous performers, bands, and songs, it's often the combinations that are unimaginable. If you or anyone is interested, I'll post an attachment with a copy of all the playlists I made which makes it a lot easier to find and download the show that has a particular song or songs on it. That way you can download the Justine Bateman and the Mystery songs yourself. You know you want to !
  14. It will often find Issues if you run it after removing an application, because a lot of uninstallers don't do a very good job. Even though it often doesn't find anything anymore, I run it on a regular basis just in case, and always after adding or removing programs.
  15. It's normal, especially the first time you run CCleaner. You should notice each time you run CCleaner it finds less 'crap' in the Issues section, it will probably always find quite a bit in the Windows section as there are a lot of programs putting unneccessary junk on your PC every time you run them.
  16. Mike Rochip


    Cartoon from ucomics.com
  17. "The nation's largest telephone and cable companies are crafting an alarming set of strategies that would transform the free, open and nondiscriminatory Internet of today to a privately run and branded service that would charge a fee for virtually everything we do online." Truthout.org
  18. I have "Mr Big Stuff" by Justine Bateman and the Mystery. I win.
  19. I tried the toad thing once. I was licking the toad and due to an unfortunate mishap the toad thought I was French kissing it and it turned into Prince and I said "Whoa, I read in a fairy tale one time that if you kissed a toad it might turn into a Prince but I never believed it!" and then the Prince toad said "WTF? I'll thank you not to call me Prince because I'm the toad formerly known as Prince" and then right after that things started to get a little wierd.
  20. So you had to prove you're funnier than me in the very next post ?
  21. WTF? What did I ever do to you? You want to make it a crime for me to buy music? It's bad enough that when I buy sucky music legally I get laughed at. If I have to buy it on the black market I could get the cr*p kicked out of me. You try asking a black marketeer (yes, I just made that up ) if he has a copy of "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by Justine Bateman and the Mystery. HA! My mind is already gone ! Besides, I pay a price every time I listen to my sucky music. It just can't be measured in dollars and cents. Of course if I knew what a brain cell cost I could probably extrapolate... Q: How can I tell if a black marketeer ( !) might have the sucky music I like? A: He has horrible scars where his ears used to be OR we're both in Hell (the really bad section). Thanks for the compliment but you are at least as funny as I am...
  22. Not after I try to fly it! Seriously though, I found a great article here about these planes and their engines. This is one of the pictures in the article. UGH UGH UARGHH! (Tim the Tool Man Taylor grunts)
  23. First I'd like to say "Where have you been agumon?" and "Glad you're back!" The guy is either crazy or really, really, really, really stupid. The problem is that compared to his lawyer he looks like a genius. So no one notices...
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