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Mike Rochip

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Everything posted by Mike Rochip

  1. Don't be sorry, I was just trying to be funny. I just have a warped, depraved sense of humor. Or more accurately perhaps, lack of sense of humor. Anyway, I appreciate the help! kobrakommander is too funny, I think that's why my sister has a thing for him ...
  2. That is too cool! Have they set a price? I'm not so sure about the mouse/weapon, though. Unfortunately, I also read the article about the history of the typewriter keyboard and of course it reminded me of horrible jokes I've created. (Smart people will stop reading now and move on) What were the first experimental typewriter users called? -Prototypists- And if there were two of them, typing on either side of you, one by each ear? -Stereotypists-
  3. Ummm, did someone say it was OK for you to talk to me? Perhaps you've forgotten about the "funniest joke of the year" incident. Let's review, shall we? It's New Year's Day and I'm surfin' the net all "Tra La La La La, I'm funny I'm cool started the New Year with a Great Joke lokoike's my pal he's got it goin' on!" Then I'm like "What's that you're saying tiny part of my brain that still works? The New Year just started?! It's the funniest joke he's heard because it's the ONLY joke he's heard?" WTF? There went my Happy New Year. And before you get all cocky with italics, this is what ZoneAlarm had to say: You're probably right, though. What I love about getting info on the Web is exactly half the people say it's dangerous malware that must be removed at all costs, and the other half says if you remove it the ionosphere will implode. While I'm glad you have someone to talk to when ZA is confusing, hello, I think his name is probably spelled D-E-N-N-Y. All kidding aside your funniest joke comment really cracked me up. I wish I could have seen the "heyyy, wait a second" look on my face when I (eventually) got it . On a very serious note, I don't know how you managed to get a picture of my sister to use as your avatar, but if she sees it she's going to be pissed! PS: If either you or Denny is interested, I just might be willing to give you her phone number.
  4. An interesting article from Mark at www.sysinternals.com as he watches scumware take over a computer.
  5. Thanks, that's what I thought, maybe I did a System Restore or something and changed the setting. I also noticed in the ZoneAlarm log that IEXPLORE.EXE keeps asking permission to be a server. But IEXPLORE.EXE is in the Internet Explorer folder on my C: partition which is an old Win98 OS I never use anymore. The IE installation I use is iexplore.exe on D: which is XP Home SP2. According to what I've found on the Web it sounds like I may have a back door trojan trying to "phone home." Anyway, I'll just have ZA block it and hopefully I'll figure it out. The eTrust scanner keeps crashing, I'm trying BitDefender now. I don't know how you're doing it but I really appreciate the 24/7 Helpline you're running to answer all my questions ! Thanks again!
  6. Can malware such as a dialer restart a service that has been disabled? I disabled the PCTel service on my PC and noticed it was running again. I think this service was installed some time ago when I tried an Internet phone program. I deleted the program and I don't think I have any apps that need this service. Thanks-
  7. I Googled "Push and Pull Generation". Described me (And I imagine you as well) perfectly. We are: Good Republicans until we became involved with chicaco (Chicano?) art. We do not fit in because we're gay and our parents or grandparents speak Spanish. It all makes sense now.
  8. Sorry, I posted the previous message twice by accident and couldn't seem to delete the second one.
  9. The first time I ran Housecall 6.5 if found these: KEYL_SE.67682, ADW_SE.70084, and TROJ_SE.69649 I Googled them again and there are lot more posts for them now then there were before. One poster said these names are TrendMicro's in house designations for various malware. I'm now thinking they are actual infections because I've been having a couple annoyances lately such as the IE home page I use won't load, IE froze up once, some sites return a "database missing" error etc. I wasn't too concerned because the AV scans from various vendors I use didn't detect anything. However, after reading through the Google results, I noticed that some of the symptoms people are discussing are the same as mine. I'm betting I picked up the malware from the phishing site I visited after I fell for the fake PayPal message.
  10. The first time I ran Housecall 6.5 if found these: KEYL_SE.67682, ADW_SE.70084, and TROJ_SE.69649 I Googled them again and there are lot more posts for them now then there were before. One poster said these names are TrendMicro's in house designations for various malware. I'm now thinking they were actual infections because I had been having a couple annoyances recently such as the IE home page I use wouldn't load, IE froze up once, some sites returned a "database missing" error etc. I wasn't too concerned because the AV scans from various vendors I use didn't detect anything. However, after reading through the Google results, I noticed that some of the symptoms people are discussing are the same as mine. I'm betting I picked up the malware from the phishing site I visited after I fell for the fake PayPal message.
  11. THANK YOU! That's exactly what happened. As members of the Push and Pull Generation we need to stick together.
  12. That's what I was wondering. The fix I mentioned was actually listed for PC-Cillin but I tried it and Housecall did run without any errors. Later I reinstalled Ad-Aware and tried to run HC 6.5 and the message about error while downloading files was back and HC froze. According to TrendMicro: "The Ad-Aware software by Lavasoft has a feature that prevents files from being copied into the computer." I've never heard that before, Ad-AwareSE Personal has never been described as providing real-time protection as far as I know. TrendMicro's support doesn't specify whether it is only specific versions of Ad-Aware causing problems. Some people think the AdBlock extension is the issue. The verdict seems to be that HC 6.5 for Firefox is a whole lot of work for questionable results. Like Greenknight said the results are confusing with no info available on what it finds. I think it's great TrendMicro is trying to provide an AV scanner compatible with Firefox, hopefully there will be improvements. An easier to navigate support section for Housecall would sure help, but I'm guessing since HC is free it's not one of their main priorities.
  13. You're right, a lot of people were asking MS to release a patch ASAP, although Mike Nash, Corporate VP for Security at MS said "there is no imminent threat." Maybe not on his planet... CNN.com Sorry Tarun, I didn't see that you had posted hours before I did until after I posted and I didn't know how to delete my post. Of course I guess I would have seen it if I had started this thread in the right section of the forum! I blame Sony.
  14. My reaction would be a whole lot different than any of these people.
  15. LOL! I wouldn't be surprised. I understand they're making great strides in the realm of AI as it applies to robotics. I'm sure they will be the world leaders in developing Artificial Ignorance. I tried that room cleaning robot Roomba and it really sucked. Of course with vacuum cleaners that's a good thing... If I may be presumptious, I think you might like her music. She's intelligent, obnoxious, and very good at making fun of people and things that need to be made fun of imho. nelliemckay.com Official Sony Website, no mention of dropping her npr.org complete live versions of a few songs nelliemckay.net/lyrics Sari is my favorite
  16. Windows MTF Patch Available via Windows Update.
  17. So you can try out your joy buzzer you've modified to kill instead of shock?
  18. Thanks for the great link!
  19. LOL I found the link in one of your postings!
  20. In the future there will be self-propagating identity/tracking chips which will be bound to the Y chromosome. Thus, when a father gives birth to a son, the little tyke will literally be a 'chip' off the old block.
  21. I think you have to earn status changes, but since my status is "Advanced" it's obviously a flawed process...
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