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Mike Rochip

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Everything posted by Mike Rochip

  1. "The word is out. Yesterday, Vice President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe George Fornay let the PS3's European price slip. According to Fornay, the PS3 will cost between 499 and 599 euros. That translates to between $613 and $736 for us in the States." gear.ign.com
  2. Thanks DjLizard. Much more informative and concise than anything I've found elsewhere! And thanks Glenn for asking my next question...
  3. Just wondering (not questioning your advice) why set the values below the Windows recommendation?
  4. "Apple Computer Inc.unveiled on Wednesday software to help owners of its new Intel-based Macs run not only its own operating system but also Microsoft Corp.'s rival Windows XP system." CNN.com
  5. I had the exact same problem and this worked for me: To resolve this problem, follow these steps: 1. Remove the current signature file. To do this, click Start, click Run, type Msiexec /x {A5CC2A09-E9D3-49EC-923D-03874BBD4C2C}, and then click OK. 2. Open Windows Defender. To do this, click Start, click Programs, and then click Windows Defender. 3. Check for new definitions. To do this, click the Help options arrow next to the Windows Defender Help icon, click About Windows Defender, and then click Check for Updates. This info is from support.microsoft.com. Hope it solves you problem as well. I don't know if this is related, but it seems that since I did this Defender runs silently, ie no icon in the tray when it runs. I found that I could see what was going on by opening Defender from the program list. A little bit annoying but not nearly as aggravating as the can't update issue .
  6. IE7 Beta has an anti-phishing feature built in which warns you if you visit a suspected or known phishing site that warned me about a bad website once. I think it's a neat and useful feature. A lot of people aren't impressed by IE7 often because of the way its user interface is set up. I personally don't use it much because it loads web pages much slower than Firefox, at least on my PC. At least MS is finally devoting more effort to incorporate security features .
  7. OK, now I think I know what you mean, sorry to keep misunderstanding. If you right click on the Start Menu icon, then Properties, then the Start Menu tab, then Customize, then the General tab, you can choose Small Icons. If you right click on the Start Menu icon, then click Properties, then the Start Menu tab, then Customize, then the Advanced tab, you can choose which items are displayed and how they're displayed. Hope I got it right this time, if not maybe mr. brownstone will come to the rescue!
  8. Hello again oli- I downloaded vistaxp v2 and I think this is the info you need- If you choose one of the Compact color schemes you should get the small Start Menu- Hope this helps... Cool theme by the way!
  9. Sorry, I thought you were using Luna Element. What theme are you using?
  10. If it works the same as crystal db you can go to Control Panel, double-click Display, choose the Appearance tab, and then the Color Scheme scroll box: Kind of weird there's nothing about colors in the color scheme box ! I guess it's because it's a modified theme.
  11. If you click on My Controls and then Board Settings in Options there is a Type of text editor to use when posting setting. If you change it to Rich Text Editor it adds a lot of neat features that make editing posts much easier (and faster) and adds new ones like image resizing. There are a lot of other options for customizing the forum features as well.
  12. Thanks for the great story! LMAO!!! Laughing with you, not at you!
  13. That's weird, I took it again (and pretended I lived in this century) and it said "Seriously nerdy." BTW, glad you're back!
  14. Take the quiz I'm stuck in the last century .
  15. Thanks krit for the info! I've been having the exact same problem and following your suggestion it appears the two updates Belarc was flagging are OK. ?t? es mi h?roe !
  16. Mike Rochip


    Thanks for the tip DjLizard!
  17. While I guess I can understand the intent of the presentation, the tone of it bothers me. IMO comments from both speakers came off as more threatening than educational and would have been more appropriate for high school students than elementary level. Full Story
  18. Hello and welcome to the forum ! Is this happening on the Windows tab or the Applications tab? On my PC the only thing it ever lists on the Aplications scan is a Zone Alarm log.
  19. Too advanced for me, I'm still trying to master velcro .
  20. You're right about that. I often wish I could choose to send my tax dollars to the causes he and his wife support.
  21. Well on the bright side you revived this thread I had killed... BTW, Andavari did specify completely stupid jokes. I was only following orders ! Bright side? I meant dark side.
  22. The case fan is usually the largest and vents through the case to the outside air. It should have a connector that is easily disconnected. Older computers (like mine) that don't work hard or well enough to generate much heat often don't have one .
  23. Wow! Firefox Opera Who would have thunk it? OK, Andavari did. A long time ago. And he tried to tell us a thousand times. Let the "I told you so's" begin!
  24. LOL!! This post made my day! Finally, something really stupid I haven't done! Yet.
  25. It would be interesting to see Bill Gates in the boxing ring...
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