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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. I think there is some miscommunication here. @SMalik is correct, he already listed the ones which need be removed the post he linked specifically called out many entries. Either somebody can refute them (one-by-one) or they should be wholesale removed and let members resubmit entries without reg backup removal I of course meant for him to push the removals to the template, don't be stubborn for little reason.
  2. And (as I believe I stated before) the only way to change/remove them is for community members to point out the entries which overstep this guideline, so @Winapp2.ini can cull them.
  3. As I stated in the post above yours, it is not possible to discuss the existence of ccleaner enhancing software on this forum. I've removed your reference with the accepted name however I will have to forbid this question from being answered or discussed.
  4. You need to properly clean the windows.old folder. Instead of using ccleaner to remove duplicates from it do the following Open the windows.old folder Look through it (paying special attention to the "program files" and "users" folders) for anything you might want to save and remove those to your new desktop. Right click the system drive and choose properties. Go tools tab and click clean drive. Tell it to clean system files (will ask for uac approval). Roll down in the list to "old windows installation" (I believe it is called that) check it and run the clean. Better instructions here (works for 7/8/10) http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/19151-windows-old-folder-delete.html Do note that after doing this you will no longer have the option to roll back to windows 7
  5. @tss enhancing software is not discussed here, please be sure to use proper piriform etiquette and in the future refer to [voldemort] by its proper name Voldemort. I've edited your post to cover up its name that will not be named
  6. Ccleaner didn't do it, you did by blindly cleaning the registry. Since you made no back-up and likely have no idea what you removed, I'm not sure how to even begin troubleshooting this. You say you've never had an issue before; this is akin to saying "I've never been bitten by a bear before therefore I can jab this bear with a stick and nothing will occur."
  7. No we cannot help with winapp2. You must understand how it works if you use it. Aid on that file can only occur in its thread (on the top of the ccleaner discussion board) and you should at least read and understand the entire first post. The file you use is a template, provided by the community, to allow others (you) to create their own personal winapp2 file copying and pasting entries from the template to the personal file. There is a shortcut script (called trim.bat) which will remove rules for programs you don't have, however the reason all rules are defualt=false is to make the new rules unchecked when they load the first time. So here are some steps you can take before posting in the template's thread. 1) right click each section of the applications tab and reset the settings to default. 2) only check off the winapp2 entries (those that end in * ) that you know you want and run a clean after each checkmark to see which is resetting the pin. 3) finally go to the template's thread and report the results there.
  8. The general results of deleting "all" of anything via any tool blindly will likely kill a machine. One should be very judicious when using a powerful tool that lets all of one thing be deleted (not just ccleaner, but within ccleaner examples of when not to remove all include duplicate finder, disk analyzer and registry section)
  9. Lol, my above linked article has been completely rewritten because I prodded the author on Twiiter.
  10. http://flip.it/XOp-5 Venturebeat article. Worst editor ever, claims a Speccy update was pushed...links to the download site, listing the January 2015 release date. No update was pushed (to the best of my knowledge, at least) speccy and ccleaner just plain worked after re-install. I love that Microsoft is being so shut-mouth about the removals. Thus far the only, allegorical, warning I've heard was Speccy (I didn't see this warning myself) and my out-of-date bluetooth driver/controller; all the other applications were just moved
  11. Darn I thought they'd turned over a new leaf, getting threshold 2 on my moms machine from 8.1 was so much easier than 8 to 8.1 (had to reupdate from factory 8 this week)
  12. Hey Jeff, when did you try reinstall? As two of us have successfully reinstalled and run the 64bit version with no issue in the last few days, maybe if you try again (assuming you tried before my post) it may work
  13. Bruce, I don't think that was what hazelnut's, well meaning, post was meant to imply (though I can see how one might feel so). Your thread is very important to both the community and the developers. I can confirm that both a move from window.old and a fresh install do not get moved on reboot. I'm sure that Microsoft will come to a fix for moved applications as this is an issue bigger than Piriform (CCleaner and Speccy) and is effecting even large hardware/software makers (my bluetooth drivers from RICOH were moved and I had to reinstall them, and a popular CISCO VPN software was also reported). I have stickied this thread in the hopes that others will see they are not alone. Thank you again, Bruce, as your thread was confirmation to my initial (random) find of ccleaner being moved (with no notice from Microsoft).
  14. Hi everyone, there is a sticky topic in bugs for this. In order to keep order in the forum, by keeping it one thread I'm going to close this thread. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=45098
  15. Can a user with this issue confirm my findings. When I reinstalled speccy (after t2 install) it ran and worked correctly. I'm restarting now to see if speccy survives a reboot of threshold2
  16. Don't know, but not only did moving it work. But reinstall also worked(same with speccy)
  17. nothing (well probably Microsoft removed it because of registry cleaner) Microsoft is being overly zealous, and disabled any application that might hinder the upgrade See here http://news.softpedia.com/news/windows-10-threshold-2-removes-some-desktop-programs-during-install-496120.shtml
  18. Hi, I found the same thing, you can find it in the windows.old folder in the program files sibfolder and can safely cut/paste (move) it back to the proper program files folder and it works fine.
  19. how odd and indiscriminate lol. It also dupicated my ie bookmarks over to windows.old but still left them in place (or re sync'd them after upgrade)
  20. So I force pushed T2. My first worry is: immediately noticed that all my pdf files were changed from adobe open to edge. Anyone know any other hijacked extentions I might need to fix. Edit Was an installed ccleaner moved to windows.old by anyone else's machine?
  21. Hi everybody, I've news. No not of an update, as often mentioned the Moderator group has zero inside information of that ilk. however there was an article published on softpedia (not usually my site of choice for either news or downloads but I digress) in the article, it says a number of well known applications are having this issue (and name CPUZ and Speccy as one of many by name) at the end there's a paragraph here is the article for all you reader types, http://news.softpedia.com/news/windows-10-threshold-2-removes-some-desktop-programs-during-install-496120.shtml I've also (temporaraly until Microsoft makes this issue disappear) stickied this thread I'd APPRCIATE not seeing a bunch of "Me Too" posts so please try to be grown-ups and only post useful information hence forth Smiles and Love, Nergal
  22. How do you have it mounted as a drive letter? Android made this impossible versions before the release of that nexus device.
  23. Yes part of super cookies. I believe ccleaner takes care of the
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