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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. If you close firefox, and open Task Manager's process tab (called Details in Windows 8+), can you confirm there are no firefox.exe or plugin-container.exe processes running? If you try to run the cleaner with Firefox open, does CCleaner prompt you to close it?
  2. Firefox 30 released. 30 Stable changes - http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/30.0/releasenotes/ 31 Beta changes - http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/31.0beta/releasenotes/ 32 Aurora changes - http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/32.0a2/releasenotes/
  3. usually Ctrl + Shift + V to paste will paste unformatted text (or give you the option to)
  4. Microsoft Update has offered display drivers for a few years, I think Driver version reads as
  5. Though that comment looks vaguely spammy, I actually have used Dr. Phone (for iOS) at the shop and had good results. Haven't tried it with Android, but if it works anything like it does with iOS, it should work great.
  6. Mine doesn't get that hot, but I don't think a comparison to the Sahara on a particularly arid day would be out of the question
  7. Open the run dialog by holding the Windows Key and pressing R http://imgur.com/43yeMXr In the run dialog, enter %LocalAppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles and hit enter A folder should open with a subfolder with a name along the lines of rfgd933w2.default (the string before .default is random) open it and you should see a cache folder, please confirm that there are files inside your cache folder by right clicking on it and selecting properties.
  8. Could be stalling on bad clusters, try running a check disk. Either go to the tools pane of the drive properties and select error check (scan and fix all issues) or run chkdsk /r and reboot the computer. This process can take a long time, so I suggest running it overnight. Your computer will boot normally after its finished
  9. Can you confirm that there are files in %LocalAppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{string of characters}\Cache (or cache2)
  10. How long did you leave it running?
  11. Cache1 (current stable cache) API support nixed in nightly 32 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=999577 all addons that utilize cache will have to convert to the new APIs
  12. If you'd like to volunteer the path to the text cache, I'm more than happy to provide a winapp2.ini entry for it
  13. Sorry I was referring to FileKey2=%UserProfile%\|*.tmp FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows|*.tmp in your suggested change to the RFA entry
  14. CTRL F5 will refresh the page and force a recache, CTRL SHIFT DEL opens up the manager http://i.imgur.com/wMyL6zm.png @OP If you select a custom setting, you can have firefox delete history when it closes (while still tracking it during the session)
  15. Were those meant for [Windows Temporary Files More*] LangSecRef=3025 DetectFile=%CommonAppData%\Temp Default=False FileKey1=%CommonAppData%\TEMP|*.*|RECURSE FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\ProgramData\TEMP|*.*|RECURSE because they seem a bit broad to be related to RFA
  16. If we adjust for software age (which I calculate to be approx 12x normal aging, not unlike a more quickly aging dog), I estimate Windows XP to be almost 150 years old!
  17. It's also National Donut Day, which happens to fall on the first friday of june, and coincide with D-Day this year.
  18. Sorry, yes. By "free" I meant available, as in 'not currently in use by an application'
  19. http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/networking/news/460484/tor-network-hacked-by-feds-silk-road-turned-into-honeypot tl;dr you can be tracked over TOR if infected with a malicious javascript
  20. You run out of virtual memory and windows asks you to close stuff I personally disable the page file completely as it is rare that I use even half my ram (barring firefox memory leaks from a few months ago). I've only ever run into one program that demanded a page file
  21. Can you confirm that Options: Privacy - History is set to "Firefox will Remember History" and not "Firefox will Never Remember History"
  22. I don't know about your car, but mine spits out literal fire for the first few minutes until the AC kicks into gear I imagine more gadgets don't include solar powering because heat is a major issue in devices like phones and such. A solar powered battery pack would be pretty cool though, and I do think they make them (unsure of the efficacy)
  23. Winapp2.ini


    Haven't tested it with portable, I use the installer version myself. I imagine wherever the portable version stores data is where the backups would be stored if the portable version does backup unsaved work
  24. Could be an influx of nodes due to more people becoming security minded. Remember to shut off javascript in TOR when you first open it!
  25. Could it possibly be removing something else non-obvious? It is a database afterall.
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