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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. That's the thing - it's not listed as a dependency for BITS or WUAUSERV
  2. Hm, strangest thing. I went in and checked my other services and a bunch of local network ones were disabled (I don't recall disabling them but I don't doubt that I did) including the one that identifies you with the intranet. It's been like this for so long that I figured Windows 8.1 just labeled Ethernet connections as Ethernet and not the SSID. I turned that back on, my SSID came back and the updates installed without issue. Maybe my computer knew I was on to its shenanigans..
  3. Been tangling with this for over a month. My machine really hates 8.1 Trying to start BITS gives an error of 0x80070422 which no one else seems to have ever seen on 8 or 8.1, the Microsoft Article only provides help up until Vista (the supplied FixIt doesn't run and the batch script doesn't fix the issue) Seems to be a BITS issue, but whenever I run Windows Updates, the fail with the same error and say Windows is already installing updates. SFC and component store repairs haven't helped, I ran WinUpdateFix by Xplode (dev of adwcleaner) and also the Windows Update repairs from the All-In-One Toolkit, nothing doing so far.
  4. The return of the pear
  5. Couldn't you just publish snapshots and save the links to them?
  6. Seems to be an ongoing issue http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=41040&do=findComment&comment=249299
  7. Oh shoot, realtek (logs) does a recursive scan from %SystemDrive%, that's just horrid.
  8. Winapp2.ini


    In release 6.6.7, Microsoft OneDrive is supported for the feature Settings on Cloud. A crash issue in 666 Friday the 13th edition is fixed as well in this version.
  9. We could just call it logs and add a mental note that the other logs are not safe to delete?
  10. Why isn't logs good enough anymore?
  11. I don't think I have run that entry recently, though the issue persists through reinstalls and whatnot so I don't suspect that to be the cause
  12. What with it being summer now, the pressure is on for the file to shape up for bikini season
  13. email the CCleaner entry has been outmeta'd
  14. I still haven't found a fix for this myself, as a result I've largely stopped using dropbox as a means of sharing files with anyone other than myself
  15. http://www.tweaking.com/content/page/windows_repair_all_in_one.html the file association repair will repair inf associations among others.
  16. the email address comes in as asdf@..com, which I think is the primary purpose of the anonymizer
  17. got this email today, with the most meta entry ever
  18. Winapp2.ini

    Hello World

    I use a tool on my phone that spoofs my mac address when connecting to networks via wifi. I think it may be root only, it's called Pry-Fi. I imagine something similar exists for desktop OS'
  19. True, and their homepage isn't minimalist.
  20. Yandex is basically just Google RU
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