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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Try this Sammy: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/classicthemerestorer/
  2. Interesting, then perhaps disregard that one, though I would imagine this indicates it supports 3.7 as well
  3. The aurora and beta release notes have been created, so my links above should be functional now
  4. A lot of their moves have been towards a more chrome-like experience. MozillaZine users have been very vocal about it
  5. It's too strönk! Hope you don't have a bandwidth cap! multiple detectfiles need to be numbered, but I don't think the (x86) is needed since CCleaner scans both on a 64bit system
  6. CCleaner didn't pick up all of the paths for 3.7 so I left it as supported
  7. Sorting the file alphabetically with trim.bat should work again, if you were running into that issue (something about the length of the Steam Installers* entry was breaking it, but I reduced the length with some crafty wildcarding.) The next best way to shrink that entry would be something akin to *install*.exe but some non-junk files would get hit by this (L4D2 addon installer, max payne 3 uninstaller, on my system). Unsure whether or not it'd be worth investigating ExcludeKeys for this
  8. [TeamViewer] ID=2395 LangSecRef=3024 Detect=HKCU\Software\TeamViewer Default=True RegKey1=HKCU\Software\TeamViewer\Version9|MRU FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer\*|*.tmp|RECURSE FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\TeamViewer\*|*.tmp|RECURSE FileKey3=%ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer\Version9\Connections_incoming.txt FileKey4=%AppData%\TeamViewer\Connections.txt FileKey5=%AppData%\TeamViewer\MRU\RemoteSupport\*.tvc FileKeys3 through 5 are missing | pipes and wont function properly. [Tango] ID=2399 LangSecRef=3022 DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\Tango\Tango.exe Default=True FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\tango\call_log.dat Same with FileKey1 here [Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate] ID=2376 LangSecRef=3023 Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wondershare\Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate Default=True FileKey1=%commonprogramfiles%\Wondershare\Wondershare Helper Compact\log\Data|*.*|RECURSE FileKey2=%ProgramFiles%\Wondershare\Video Converter Ultimate\Log|*.* FileKey3=%CommonAppData%\Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate|*.dat.bak FileKey4=%CommonAppData%\Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate\TempSiteIconDir FileKey5=%CommonAppData%\Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate\TempThumbDir FileKeys4 and 5 are missing deletion routines
  9. Tag & Rename 3.8 points to Tag & Rename 3.7 paths [Tag&Rename 3.8] ID=2398 LangSecRef=3024 Detect=HKCU\Software\Softpointer\Tag&Rename3.7\Config Default=True RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Softpointer\Tag&Rename3.7\Config|CurrentFolder RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Softpointer\Tag&Rename3.7\Config|HistoryList
  10. Firefox 31 released 31: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/31.0/releasenotes/ 32b: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/32.0beta/releasenotes/ 33a: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/33.0a2/releasenotes/
  11. Does the issue persist through a reboot? if so, have you tried running sfc /scannow inside of an admin command prompt
  12. Ads track you on their servers not your local machine, so you'll have to sneak CCleaner on to their machines if you wanna do something about it
  13. I actually think Torch is officially supported under the Google Chrome section already.
  14. My system drive is a 60GB OCZ Vertex 3, CCleaner correctly detects it as an SSD, but also correctly detects my other 5 drives as HDDs and my raid 0 array as a single HDD as well. Windows 8.1u1 Pro x64, CC4.15
  15. That's strange, I haven't kept track enough to run into that issue
  16. Might be better to use Detect=HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\Apps\242920 for that one, I don't think a non-steam version is available (correct me if I'm wrong)
  17. super sneaky night time update
  18. If the Steam entry is deleting your games, something with your Steam client is not configured correctly. [Steam] ID=2203 LangSecRef=3023 DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\Steam\Steam.exe Default=True FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Steam|*.mdmp;*.log FileKey2=%ProgramFiles%\Steam\Dumps|*.*|RECURSE FileKey3=%ProgramFiles%\Steam\Logs|*.*|RECURSE that is the list of items CCleaner deletes for Steam, however games for Steam are stored in %ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps
  19. I currently have 120 games installed via steam and have not experienced this, even with added entries from winapp2.ini. Win8.1u1 Pro X64 If you run analyze, after reinstalling your Steam games, which entry seems to be deleting them?
  20. It'd be a shame if someone distributed an ablock filter rule that blocked the adware button...
  21. Default=False only signifies whether the entry is ticked or unticked by default
  22. Are you upset that Windows is saying it's not genuine?
  23. Agreed, didn't microsoft run an initiative with Vista to scale back all the complex dependencies of various subsystems and make things work a bit more standalone (or at least not have low level components dependent on high level ones, themselves dependent on low level ones)
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